7 Foods to Moisturize Your Skin From the Inside Out

Winter is a crusty time of year (sorry). Everything on your body gets flaky, cracked, and painful, and your glow disappears. While slathering on moisturizer can help, the buckets of it that you need can cause breakouts, and sometimes it feels like there's not enough lotion in the world to quench your dry skin.

But when your skin is dry, it's because it's craving nutrients to help heal and repair it. Your chapped skin and brittle hair are sure signs that your body is lacking essential minerals and nutrients, and your food choices could be keeping you from achieving the perfect winter beauty balance. During dry winter months, it's a no-brainer to drink lots of water and avoid eating foods high in sugar, salt, or caffeine, all of which dehydrate you, but the foods that lock in the moisture that you're supplying your body aren't as obvious.

Be prepared this winter season and stock your kitchen with these seven hydrating essentials to lend a layer of moisture to your hair and skin care routines like nothing else can.

By Dorit Jaffe, as told to Devon Kelley

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