Green leafy vegetables are the most omitted food in our modern-day diet, despite them being packed with goodness and amazing for overall health.

Understanding these benefits may just act as motivation to include a few handfuls of greens a day or even a meal - cue clean-eating foodie Julie Montagu’s expert guide. Someone pass us the broccoli. 

Greens may protect us from cancer

Dark leafy green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, chicory, and mustard greens are a particularly good source of certain carotenoids (antioxidants that help to protect the body against cellular damage). The human body is incapable of producing carotenoids so it is essential to obtain them through the foods we eat.

Within carotenoids are plant chemicals proven to work against the development of tumours. Although it would be wrong to say that carotenoids prevent all cancers, there is already strong evidence to show that cancers of the mouth are much less prevalent when there is a strong presence of them in the body. Further research has also shown carotenoids are useful in inhibiting cancerous growths of the skin, breasts, lungs, and stomach.

Greens enhance our mood

Studies have concluded that a diet high in processed foods and high-fat dairy products is a risk factor for the onset of depression.

When people experience clinical depression, or even just a few symptoms of depression, they can be easily tempted to consume sugary and high carbohydrate foods - or comfort foods, as they are better known. Any satisfaction from doing so is short lived and can exacerbate the problem. This is because these foods cause irregular blood sugar levels, leading to a bad mood and a craving for more junk foods.

Those following a diet with a high intake of green vegetables are less likely to suffer depressive symptoms than those who don’t. Folic acid (found richly in green vegetables) keeps levels of the amino acid homocysteine low in blood. Research suggests that sufferers of depression often have high levels of homocysteine.

And greens stop you from being congested

The tissue lining of the sinuses is protected and maintained by vitamin A, and it is thought that vitamin C can reduce swelling in the sinus region. Green vegetables are a great source of both of these vitamins so it’s a great idea to include them in your diet as frequently as possible.

Additionally, greens are rich in zinc, a mineral that prevents the growth of viruses in the body. Vegetables with a high zinc count like cabbage, Brussels sprouts and green peas are therefore a sensible and tasty addition to any meal.

Eat Real Food by Julie Montagu, £7.69, Hay House, is out now.