3 healthy habits to care of family well-being

Netatmo Weather Station measures temperature, humidity, CO2 level and much more. However, in order for it to be useful, you have to monitor it, and you don’t necessarily want to check the phone app every hour in order to catch the moment for humidifying the room or letting some fresh air in. It’s better to monitor it in a more natural way. LaMetric Time upgrades your home control to a new level. It works as a display for Netatmo Weather Station, allowing you to glance at and react to home climate changes in a timely manner to create a healthier environment.

Habit 1. Letting the fresh air in decreases the chance of headaches and drowsiness


Feel drowsy and stuffy, or have a headache that hurts? Check your Netatmo Weather Station: probably the CO2 level has risen. Air out your room, and in half of an hour you will be refreshed.

However, it would be much better to let the fresh air in before your body reacts. So keep the information in a place that’s easy to see. 

A LaMetric Time display, connected to the Netatmo Weather Station, can sit in a living room and let your family know when they need to open a window.

Habit 2. Proper humidity is important for child’s well-being


The body of an adult consists of about 60% of water, and for kids this percent is even higher. In order to function well, cells need proper humidity level outside, which also reduces the spread of bacteria. The proper humidity level has an impact on the reduce of the blur of vision, skin aging and heartaches.

Are you in your child’s room to check how your kid is doing? Take a look at LaMetric Time and see whether you need to turn the humidifier on. It extracts the information from your Netatmo Weather Station and displays it in a handy way for all your family members.

Habit 3. Checking the weather the minute you wake up helps choose the proper outfit


Sometimes the weather changes so fast that you cannot keep a track of it. You leave your home without a jacket once again or find yourself getting sweaty in a woolen sweater.

Don’t like to start your morning checking your smartphone or going outside to look at the thermometer? No need. Netatmo Weather Station information is at your bedside. Just glance at it, and you can have a few additional minutes in your bed to decide which outfit to pick out for today.

A healthy environment is the crucial part of your family’s well-being. We always try to sleep well, eat healthy food, go to the gym and take some vacation time when necessary. But there are many small details which we frequently ignore. You may forget to adjust the humidity in your room, but a LaMetric Time smart home display will remind you. And working with a Netatmo Weather Station, it always reminds you to create a healthy home for a family. 

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