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How To Ensure Your Employees Are On The Same Page As You

Jason Shah

Leaders have a great responsibility: They need to be able to communicate and work well with their employees to achieve the desired end results.

But while many leaders mistake their position for their authority, true leadership is about value addition: leading by example, earning the trust of your team members, shouldering the responsibility of what doesn't go right, and giving necessary credit when it does.

Things will go wrong at times; that's more or less a given. However, sometimes it's due to poor communication — not the incompetence of your team members. Your employees won't always know what you're thinking.

At our company, we take great pride in transparency and maintaining open communication with our team, which is critical to building both a company and a culture that the team loves. We put a great deal of thought into this area specifically, placing a great deal of emphasis on trust and value addition, regardless of superficial qualifications or credentials. It's all about empowering your employees and seeing what they can bring to the table.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure your employees are on the same page as you:

Share Your Thoughts With Team Members 

When your team is on the same page, things can happen pretty synergistically. It's easy to assume that everyone knows exactly what's going on, what they need to do, and ultimately, what they're working towards.

This isn't always the case, however: In fact, your team members are more likely to have lingering "why" questions in comparison to "how" or "what" questions. "Why" is what drives people, and people often want to know the underlying purpose behind any given project.

Assuming your employees are well-trained and competent at their job, and there are no extenuating circumstances requiring attention, there's no reason to believe that they're going to do their job poorly. That is, of course, unless they require more information to complete their assignment.

Ultimately, your employees aren't mind readers. They don't know what you're thinking. It's your job as a leader to think about the big picture and see what's ahead, but it's unwise to make assumptions about whether or not your team members are thinking on the same wavelength.

Share your thoughts with your team members. Gather their feedback. Repeat things, especially important items. People have a tendency to forget what they need to do, particularly if things are busy around the office. When meaningful discourse is taking place, you'll know you're communicating effectively.

See the Strengths in Others, and Bring Out the Best in Them

Being a leader is not merely about delegation. Although it is your job to coordinate your employees and their work, you shouldn’t abuse your authority.

If you're going to get someone to work on something, don't merely tell them that you're going to assign a certain project to them: tell them why. Tell them that they have certain strengths, and you think that they would be a good fit for the project. Tell them why you think they'll do a good job of seeing it through from start to finish and why they are more than capable of handling it. This is especially encouraging to those who may be doubting their ability or those who are feeling underutilized in your organization.

If you want to show that you're a good leader, don't merely give your people things to work on, either. Show that you're willing to work too, and that you're helping bring out the best in them by working alongside them. 

A good leader won't shy away from their responsibility. Instead, they're willing to take the heat when things don't go right. Furthermore, they learn from their mistakes and determine how they can utilize their resources to do better next time.

Don’t Take For Granted That Everyone is Aligned

Again, never assume your employees know what you're thinking.

Be willing to repeat yourself, even if it seems like too much. As a leader, you're supposed to be thinking about possible contingencies and alternatives. Your team members aren't always looking that far ahead.

Be in charge and stay in charge. If a project fails, you need to make an honest assessment of yourself. Think about what you could have done better first before you begin to consider your employees' performance: You'll find this exercise keeps you honest as a true leader.