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      Fall 2016
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Alert:  Potomac Horse Fever - Ontario
Alert:   West Nile - Toronto, Ontario
Alert:   EIA - Saskatchewan


  • Rotating - not just for tires 
    Parasite control is only one reason to rotate your paddocks. Pastures fair better through the winter if they have some time to regrow. It is a good idea to rotate before grass is grazed down below 3 - 4 inches.
  • Go Undercover  
    Don't wait for the first storm to check your blanket inventory.  If you plan on blanketing for the winter, check your rugs still fit and are clean and in good repair.  Stay tuned for the launch of a new Equine Guelph healthcare tool: The Thermoregulator!
  • Go out on a limb  Winter winds have a habit of depositing gigantic tree limbs in your paddocks, on your fences and driveways at the most inopportune times.  This fall beat old man winter and take down those dead limbs before they have the chance to pose a problem .    For more tips in the stable and around the barn yard, download this handy Horse Farm Safety Checklist.
Top Seasonal Tips
  1. Storage solutions - The arrival of wet weather poses the question; where to put all the hay and bedding you would like to stockpile for the winter?  A separate building is ideal for fire safety reasons. Various solutions are discussed in Equine Guelph's online course Management of the Equine Environment. 
  2. Patrolling for parasites  - Consult your vet regarding deworming. Tapeworm burdens are typically highest in the fall after horses have spent all summer grazing.
  3. Encourage drinking -  Drinking tends to decrease with the onset of colder weather which can lead to dehydration and colic. Heating water is one way to create incentive for horses to consume more H2O. Equine Guelph thanks System Fencing for this article on
  4. Fuel the furnace -  Increasing fibre is the key to provide fuel for horses to keep warm as temperatures drop.  Fall is the time to make necessary adjustments to hay rations. More fall feeding considerations...

For more information on online educational courses - click here

Equine Welfare is now an elective in the 

Please note: This information provides guidelines only and should never replace information from your veterinarian.

Survey Says

92% of our readers vaccinated for rabies this year.

We love your feedback.  Thanks for participating.

Next - Equine Guelph wants your input:
Do you have an emergency action plan including fire safety plan?

Yes __   No__  Its on my to do list__
Barn Fire Prevention

Get Your Barn Ready for Winter

Equine Guelph has launched the new Barn Fire Prevention online tool as a resource for horse owners.  Responding to the high incidence of barn fires in Ontario last winter, Equine Guelph has developed a tool that is easy to use and provides horse owners with interactive assessments for their individual facilities.  Read article...

Take 5 minutes and visit the Barn Fire Prevention Tool

Spread the Word  
MYTH Busters: Horse farm biosecurity is common sense.  We post signage for newcomers to check in at the office and this is sufficient.

Keeping records of all traffic is important when it comes to biosecurity, and so is maintaining updated lists of all owners, clients, farm, veterinarian, and facility workers to facilitate distribution of biosecurity messages. 

More tips on  Education and Training...

It's Here!

It is the first document of its kind, providing a detailed scientific approach to biosecurity, making it a good reference tool. A producers guide will also be published giving horse owners useful "how to" information. Both aim to help reduce the risk of disease transmission, minimize the impact of outbreaks and improve health and welfare of horses.
Equine Guelph was one of many, who sat on the development committee for this new standard,developed through a partnership of Equine Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).
Equine Guelph is spreading the word, not the germs; highlighting key points of the new standard .  Stay tuned for monthly E-News features.

Industry Partners
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Equine Guelph, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1, Tel: (519) 824-4120 ext. 54205  


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