Cover Story: Donald Trump Is Barry Blitt’s “Miss Congeniality”

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“She was the worst we ever had, the worst, the absolute worst, she was impossible,” Donald Trump told Fox News the morning after his debate with Hillary Clinton, defending his treatment of Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe whom he called “Miss Piggy,” when she gained weight after the pageant, and “Miss Housekeeping,” in apparent reference to her heritage. Watching the debate, the artist Barry Blitt recognized a significant moment in the Presidential campaign. Of all Trump’s dangerous beliefs, Blitt said, his misogyny “might just be his Achilles’ heel.”

Read Mark Singer’s 1997 Profile of Trump, George Saunders on Trump supporters, Jane Mayer on the ghostwriter behind “The Art of the Deal,” Evan Osnos on what President Trump’s first term would look like, Adam Gopnik on the dangerous acceptance of Trump’s candidacy, and our election series Trump and the Truth. Also, a slide show of artwork featuring Trump and Hillary Clinton through the years, from The New Yorker archive.