Gypsy Lore Society

5:12 min

Jekh internationalno asociatcia manushenca khaj si interesovane ande studia pa Rom thaj travelers.

The Gypsy Lore Society ginadjiol sar jekh anda e maj phurane organizatci so keren buchi ande romane pushimata ke e asociatcia sas kerdi ando bersh 1888 ande Bari Britania.

Khatar o bersh 1989 inkrel pe e asociatcia ande Amerika thaj maj dur kerel e asociatcia buchi kusa diferentne pushimata pa rom.

Radio Romano maladjilas kusa e sherutni Elena Marushiakova ande Organizatcia te djanas maj but pa kadi asociatcia The Gypsy Lore Society.