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8 Ways to Be More Productive


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Being an entrepreneur and running a small business is more than just a full time job. Your business becomes your life and it can feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. Luckily, getting into a proper routine can increase productivity so you can get more done and be more effective.

Here are the best tips for having a productive day.


Start your day by exercising

We know this may be the last thing you want to hear, but starting your day with a quick workout will get your blood pumping and provide you with more energy throughout the day than getting those extra minutes of sleep. If exercising isn’t your thing, try getting up 10 minutes early and doing some stretches to get your blood flowing.

Enjoy breakfast

Breakfast tends to be the meal that people skip the most, usually because they’re  in a rush and can’t squeeze the time in, but it also happens to be the most important meal of the day. It provides you with the energy you need in order to stay focused.  Instead of skipping this meal put 10 minutes aside to enjoy it. You can also use this time to catch up on the news, read your emails or make a to-do list.

Focus on the important stuff

As an entrepreneur, everything you have to do is important. Begin with the tasks that are really playing on your mind. One of the factors affecting productivity is trying to juggle too many tasks. Instead, pick the three things you must finish on a deadline and set those as your goals. Getting the big things out of the way will clear your head for the rest of the day.


Limit  your to-do list

Most people make to-do lists to highlight the tasks they need to accomplish during the day–the tricky part is limiting it. If your list is to long it becomes daunting and you won’t want to look at it, let alone complete it. Start with the most important stuff, followed by the tasks that need to be completed that day. To increase employee productivity, have a wall with all of the deadlines and who is working on what. It will act as a reminder of what is to come and everyone will be able to schedule those tasks into their day.

Tip: Use a post-it note for your to do list to limit your space.

Don’t skip your lunch

Your lunch time should be used as a time to regroup. Take a small break so that your day isn’t 8 hours straight of work. Clear your mind so you can go back to your job fully focused and ready to complete the tasks that lay ahead of you.

Set uninterrupted time

Put aside chunks of your time where you get in the zone and work with no distractions. Thirty minutes without email, social media, text messages, anything. There is a lot  you can accomplish when you eliminate all distractions. 


Take time to unplug after work or on the weekends. We often find ourselves sitting in front of our computer or a slave to our phone and social media. Setting aside time to fully unplug and get away from the screen will give your brain a rest, which may be difficult at first but give it a try.


Get a good night’s rest

This seems like an obvious one, but it’s also the most important one. Try to get a good 8 hours of sleep. Don’t skip on sleep to get more work done. By the end of the week you’ll be so burnt out that you won’t be as productive and the quality of your work will decrease.

In order to get more done in your day, you need to be more productive. Making more time for yourself and getting into a routine will ultimately lead to an increase in productivity in the workplace. Although you have a lot on your plate, the goal is to work smarter not harder. 

For more tips on small business best practices, subscribe to 411’s blog

Anastasia graduated with a BA Honors Communications Degree and is currently pursuing her passion for writing and helping small businesses succeed.