The 20th annual United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) takes place Thursday, September 15, though Sunday, September 18, at the Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, Florida.

Sponsored by the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC), the conference includes a master lecture series, workshops, round tables, seminars, research presentations, an exhibition hall (look for POZ at booth No. 123) and opportunities to network and share experiences.

To mark the event’s 20th anniversary, the opening plenary breakfast will include a speech by David Ho, MD, the noted HIV scientist and 1996 Time Man of the Year who was the keynote speaker at USCA’s first event.

This issue of race always takes precedence at USCA. According to, this year’s conference topics are broken down into the following subjects: race, biomedical prevention (such as pre-exposure prophylaxis and treatment as prevention, or PrEP and TasP), cis and trans women (with a focus on violence), communications and technology, abstracts from federal agencies, gay men (with a focus on youth), leadership, people living with HIV (with a focus on stigma and aging), public policy and structural interventions for HIV prevention.

Because this year’s conference is being held in Southern Florida, discussions throughout the event will highlight the Caribbean diaspora.

For more, read the blog post by NMAC’s executive director, Paul Kawata, “Getting Ready for 2016 USCA!!!

You can download a USCA mobile app here and the USCA program here. And be sure to search #2016USCA and follow @pozmagazine on social media for updates.