Ember CLI and Raygun: Get Setup Fast!

| 2 min. (395 words)


One of the main purposes of Ember CLI is to provide a single, community supported build tool to shorten the time between having an idea and starting core development work on it. That idea of making things easy and fast to implement so you can get working is something firmly believe in.

Here at Raygun we know that Ember CLI users have a love for things that speed up the development process. We also know that setting up an exception monitoring system is incredibly vital part of your devops plan. Being able to track errors and exceptions in real time with useful data enables you to move swiftly in fixing potentially critical issues. But with the fast pace of today’s Agile focused development cycle you should not have to spend extra time during a sprint to implement software solutions that are meant to make life easier.

To help Ember CLI users get to the key tasks quickly, we created the ember-cli-raygun package. In less than five minutes you can have automatic exception monitoring installed and active in your Ember.js application.

The ember-cli-raygun package acts on much the same principle that Ember CLI itself does: to handle the implementation of systems in order to save time and effort. To make setting up exception monitoring faster the package adds the raygun4js provider to your Ember CLI application for you. It also handles creating the Raygun configuration entries in your environment.js file and adding the necessary snippets of code in dist/assets files.

Since the ember-cli-raygun package installs the raygun4js provider you can use all the powerful features of the provider in your Ember CLI application without having to manually add the code snippets. For more information on the provider please take a look at our raygun4js documentation.

Getting Started:

Setup of the ember-cli-raygun package is incredibly quick:

Step 1:

In your terminal of choice run $ ember install ember-cli-raygun

Step 2:

Setup your Raygun API key in config/environment.js

Your API key is available under “Application Settings” in your Raygun account.

And that is it! A quick two step process and now your production environment errors and exceptions are being tracked automatically.

If you have any questions or concerns about getting Raygun setup with your application please reach out to our Support Team!

Additional Resources:

ember-cli-raygun GitHub repository

ember-cli-raygun NPM package listing

raygun4js Raygun Documentation

raygun4js GitHub Repository