S.A. Barton

creating Fiction (mostly SFF), poetry, visual art, blogs, aut-ad

  • 15 members
  • 501 posts
  • $88.49/month

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I support starving writers!
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  • You get to see exclusive short fiction! I irregularly publish patron-only flash fiction, news articles from possible futures, thirteen word stories, and more. If I publish them anywhere else -- which I often don't -- you'll see them at least a week before anyone else.
  • See most sabarton.com posts a full week before they appear there! Occasionally I publish a small post, quick comment, or other irrelevancy without delay -- but you see all the MEATY posts first. :)
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I want to help AND get ebooks!
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  • Everything from the $1 tier, of course.
  • FREE ADVANCE EBOOK COPIES YAAAAAAAY! You will be able to download any ebook I publish from Patreon, for free, in the formats available to me -- usually EPUB, MOBI, and PDF. If you need a format I don't have let me know and I'll do whatever I need to do to get you a copy in a form you can use -- even if I have to email you a .doc or .rtf. If I publish immediately you get it right away, but you get PREORDERS AT LEAST 1 WEEK EARLY!
I want hard copy! And I'm awesome!
 / month
  • Of course, everything from the previous tiers.
  • Any time I publish a hard copy of something -- which will be collections or other stories that reach at least 20,000 words or more, give or take -- I will send you a signed hard copy! I use Createspace, and publish in 9x6" trade paperback. As soon as I get my copies from Createspace, I will pop your copy in a mailer and fire it off ASAP.
  • You rock and I super appreciate the support!
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S.A. Barton

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