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You may find yourself at a point where you wonder whether to use .map(), .forEach() or for ().

You should favor .map() and .reduce(), if you prefer the functional paradigm of programming. For other paradigms (and even in some rare cases within the functional paradigm), .forEach() is the proper choice. for () loops should be avoided unless you have determined that there is some necessary benefit they deliver to your end user that no other iteration method is capable of (such as a performance necessity). Keep in mind that while for () loops may appear to be faster in some cases, they will use more memory than the native methods. Also, never forget what Donald Knuth said:

The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.

There have been scenarios where .forEach() was my first instinctual choice, only to discover that using .map() or .reduce() yielded more hackable, readable and maintainable code. One such scenario was cloning the first level of an object and copying only its properties.

Given object foo:

var foo = {
    foo: 1,
    bar: 2,
    baz: 3

Procedural style:

var bar = {};
Object.keys(foo).forEach(function (prop) {
    bar[prop] = null;

This is readable enough, but gets reduced to one expression with .reduce() (functional style):

var bar = Object.keys(foo).reduce(function (newObj, prop) {
    newObj[prop] = null;
    return newObj;
}, {});

This focuses all of the assignment code into one expression!

Let’s take a look at another example. Say we need to produce an array that adds 1 to each value in that array:

var nums = [

Procedural style:

nums.forEach(function (num, index) {
    return nums[index] = num + 1;

Functional style:

var oneBetterThanNums = nums.map(function (num) {
    return num + 1;

The idea here is to avoid transforming the original array, one of the pillars of functional design is to create something new when something changes.

.forEach() operates on our original array. You may be wondering why that matters. The idea is that a functional application is easier to debug because data structures are treated as immutable entities. In other words, we know what the value of nums will be throughout our application. In the procedural style, the nums value is variable, which makes debugging more difficult. Any logic which considers nums, will also need to consider its current state, the functional version has no such issue.

Another benefit of the .map() method here, is that it allows more hackability for the future. For instance, let’s say you have decided to sort that array at some point, with .map(), you can merely chain on the .sort() method!

var oneBetterThanNums = nums.map(function (num) {
    return num + 1;

Thanks for reading!

Which methods do you prefer and why?