How We Use Video & Animation

Structured Visual Thinking™ — Telling Strategic Stories

Group Partners
The A-Z Of Group Partners


Bringing Strategy To Life

What follows is a short story designed to explain a complex business concept. It’s a genericised example of our work. It translates how an intangible idea life ‘data’ can be made real through Structured Visual Thinking™ — through the combination of video and 3D Models

Real Products Made From Invisible Data

Whichever way you come at it technology is a part of almost everything in business. From core processes to the plethora of devices and whether small or a global multinational. Digitisation is a daily topic of conversation and a major driver of change for leaders.

Technology is also causing a lot of confusion and consternation too. It tends to give off a whole lot of information, it can be complex and overwhelming. We refer to it as ‘data’ or more confusingly Big Data — a highly prized if misunderstood raw material for business.

Any business that’s NOT digitising itself (at least its key processes) right now knows that it runs the distinct risk of being left behind — or more likely heading completely out of business.

The Story In Video:

Decisions. Decisions.

Provided the system is looking at what matters then the data allows the smart business to know what’s going on. This results in quite significant amounts of data. But we know that’s not enough — we have to know what to do with that and how to turn it into actionable information and insight.

Given the exponential increase in complexity the leadership needs steel — the bravery to invest properly and the curiosity to properly understand what this all means in the first place.

The leadership needs a single minded focus on what matters now and how to make the right choices each and every minute going forwards.

The Story In Video:

Magnetic North

To make great decisions means we need to know where we are as a business and where we are going. We need everyone aligned — no matter what function or area of the enterprise they are in.

There’s nothing wrong with areas of specialism within the business but they all need to know how they can contribute and how it all connects with everything else.

Purpose. Intention. Mission. Aim.

The Story In Video:


There’s a lot spoken about data and it really is one of the core components of the bussiness and quite rightly at the heart of everything. It calls for a rigorous appreciation of what it means.

It requires us to know what information we have, what we don’t (will need) and what we are doing with it. It requires us to have real clarity around how it needs to be translated and organised — thats why it’s the new frontier for how business needs to think.

Whatever level of the business and whatever its application data can now change the game for every function of every industry.

The Story In Video:

Data Applied

Many industries are moving to data driven product development, taking a real time world view that reconfigures the products to the customers specification completely.

Whether thats the design of a shoe that’s tailored uniquely to you, a ride in a cab or a complex financial service.


The Story In Video:

A Data Driven Future

We know the future is here now — everything connected, everything considered and the customer genuinely at the centre.

The big question is how quickly business can think this way and take advantage of it within their own enterprise.

The Story In Video:



Group Partners
The A-Z Of Group Partners

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