KittyBot by Parallax Inc.

KittyBot stops and miaows when she sees something. If the obstacle moves away, she purrs. If not, she hisses!
<span style="display:block;text-align:center;"><iframe scrolling="no" src="//" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe></span> The KittyBot project adds the [Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Player]( to the [Parallax Shield-Bot with Arduino Uno]( KittyBot navigates with the [Parallax Ping))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor]( If she sees something in front of her, she stops and politely miaows. If that thing gets out of her way, she purrs and continues on. If it doesn't get out of her way, she hisses, turns, and goes off in a different direction. See the full [Arduino KittyBot]( tutorial for instructions and WAV files at Parallax's Learn site.

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