Used | Found | Worn | Significant

Rachel Ross

Used, Found, Worn, Significant. These are the titles given to collections of paintings by Rachel Ross. I was introduced to her work by a friend last year.

Rachel Ross Rachel Ross

Rachel Ross is an Edinburgh based artist. Her compositions encapsulate thoughts and memories suggested by the placement and intrinsic beauty of seemingly mundane objects.

Rachel Ross, detail -Collected Cutlery- $4,100, Acrylic on board, Painter & Hall

I am drawn to the ordinary possessions of other people from past generations. Letters, notebooks, ribbons, keys – these all represent unknown lives and stories of their own. They speak to us and make a connection through time. My subjects have become worn through use and handling, whether a pair of shoes, a scratched spoon or a yellowed letter. Some might have been valued while others were barely noticed. All have made it to me. My work is both an appreciation of the objects as they are – their form, colour and patina – and also what they might represent to artist and viewer.

Rachel Ross Rachel Ross

I’d never heard of Rachel Ross or seen her paintings before, but as I spoke about my jewellery and how I love working with antique silverware, a book of her work was pulled down from the shelf and I was introduced to her exquisitely detailed paintings of cutlery (and other items).

Rachel Ross Rachel Ross

I love her use of light and the inclusion of detailed reflections, often including herself.