Marriage Moats- Moving a Rock

Published: Wed, 07/13/16

Marriage Moats

Caring for Marriage

Moving a Rock
Photo: Garen Meguerian  

Genesis tells a story about Jacob and Rachel at the well. She was a shepherdess, and waited for a chance to give her lambs a drink. The well was protected by a heavy rock, which usually required several strong men to move. But Jacob was so taken by Rachel's beauty he felt empowered to push it alone. For her. 

John spoke about it in church. The lamb he held was stuffed, and the rock was made of foam. But it gave the idea. He read a quote that has long captivated me. 

In the beginning of every church, the Word is at first closed to the people of that church until they learn that the whole Word is about nothing but love to the Lord and love for others.
 -Heavenly Secrets 3773, Emanuel Swedenborg

Every church. Does that mean my church? Congregations are not immune to using scripture as arrows to convict people. I have done my share of pointing.
But gradually my taste for chastising has lost its flavor. Offering a cup of cool water seems like a better way to pass the time. 

Compassion has a way of moving me. Opening up the well of understanding. 

Like the rock. 

