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[NSE] NSE script to detect web apps vulnerable to HTTPoxy

From: Paulino Calderon <paulino () calderonpale com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 15:43:29 -0500

Hey list,

Can you help me test this script? It seems to detect correctly the two scenarios I’ve tried (One of them is 
https://github.com/httpoxy/php-fpm-httpoxy-poc) but more testing will be great before committing. 


http-httpoxy.nse: https://github.com/cldrn/nmap-nse-scripts/blob/master/scripts/http-httpoxy.nse

Attempts to detect web applications vulnerable to "httpoxy" (CVE-2016-5385, CVE-2016-5386,
CVE-2016-5387, CVE-2016-5388, CVE-2016-1000109, CVE-2016-1000110).

The script attempts to detect this vulnerability by measuring the response time when 
assigning a non-existing proxy to the headers. In theory, vulnerable applications will try 
to connect to the bad proxy increasing the response time. To reduce false positives we run 
the test several times and we expect the response time from the request with the bad 
proxy to always be greater than normal responses.  

* https://httpoxy.org

-- @usage
-- nmap -p80 --script http-httpoxy --script-args iterations=5 <target>
-- nmap -sV --script http-httpoxy <target>
-- @args http-httpoxy.path Path. Default: /
-- @args http-httpoxy.iterations Number of requests to measure response time. Default: 10 
-- @args http-httpoxy.tests Number of comparison test to run. Default: 3
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 64
-- | http-httpoxy: 
-- |   HTTPoxy
-- |     State: VULNERABLE
-- |       This web application might be affected by the vulnerability known as HTTPoxy. It seems the 
-- |       application is reading an arbitrary proxy value from the request headers.
-- |           
-- |     Disclosure date: 2016-07-18
-- |     Extra information:
-- |       Avg response:0.003057 Avg response with bad proxy:0.008315
-- |     References:
-- |_      https://httpoxy.org

Attachment: http-httpoxy.nse

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