8 things Pokémon Go can teach us about talent acquisition

8 things Pokémon Go can teach us about talent acquisition

Two weeks after its official US release – and in the middle of its rollout to the rest of the world, the internet is awash with self-proclaimed Pokémon experts. With billions of hours logged in game, hardly a stone has been left unturned when it comes to finding a winning strategy. And learning the latest tricks of the trade is only a click away for beginners and long-time fans alike. The ins and outs of talent acquisition are – arguably – harder to come by. So let’s consider this the first eight entries for our Wiki: the Pokémon Guide to Hiring.

Understand your talent pools

You know that sinking feeling when you open Pokémon Go at home and all you see is a Squirtle nearby and you already have 10 of them? Time to widen your horizons! Looking for a Kangaskhan in California? Don’t waste your time; try Australia. These regional gems stay close to home. Lesson: Make sure you understand the type of talent you need and where to find it, whether you are narrowing by location, function or industry.

Talent diversity is key 

A Pokedex full of Bulbosaurs may seem well stocked, but come up against a trainer with a Charmander at your local Gym and you'll be in trouble! And remember, each new Pokémon type is worth 500xp! Lesson: Make sure to evaluate your existing talent regularly and think about diversity when hiring, to enhance your chances of beating the competition.


Invest in your talent brand

Looking for a nearby Jigglypuff for hours? Try investing in Incense to attract nearby Pokémon … make them come to you! Lesson: As a company, don’t just rely on immediately addressable talent. Invest in your talent brand to attract more varied candidates and get them excited to work for you.


Stop looking for the perfect candidate

Haven’t stopped looking for Mewtwo since he was announced in the cinematic launch trailer? It’s time to move on! He’s not available (yet). Lesson: Stop looking for the perfect candidate that ticks all the boxes of the job description -  as Lance Haun wrote for the Harvard Business review, these so-called “purple squirrels” can cost you time and money on a fruitless endeavor. Instead, focus on “a more honest evaluation of what the organization needs.” [https://hbr.org/2013/01/dont-hire-the-perfect-candidat]

Be ready to adapt to close

So you've finally found that Blastoise; he's right within your grasp but keeps dodging or parrying back your pokeballs? Wind it up and throw a curveball! Lesson: To close the deal for top talent, sometimes you have to be ready to adapt your approach or change up your offer in the final negotiation stage. After all, wouldn’t you expect the same from your star employees? 

Sometimes you're going to need help from experts

Don’t have the time or the skills to get a Snorlax? Look to new models to help you get there faster. The Pokémon Trainer Club uses Bidvine to connect up new and struggling players with Trainers or 'walkers' who can operate your phone for you. Lesson: Working with search & staffing agencies doesn’t have to be all or nothing. They can be an important partner for your talent acquisition strategy, especially for those hard to fill or time-critical roles.

Don’t forget to keep building your own skills

You’ve finally managed to get a Poliwrath, great! But what’s the point if you can’t evolve its CP because your trainer level is too low and you end up losing a battle to a maxed out Sandslash? You’ll need to keep your head in the game by continuing to build your own resources and competencies. Lesson: To get the best talent, you need a “skilled up” talent acquisition team: sourcers, recruiters and also management. 

Finding the right talent is just the start

Sure, a humble level 1 Pidgey  may only have 13cp, but with the right training, that Pidgey could develop new abilities and in time be able to take on a mighty Gyarados! Lesson: Don’t just see candidates for what they have done so far, but also for what they can become for your company in the future!  [http://www.fastcompany.com/3035990/hit-the-ground-running/why-you-should-hire-for-potential-not-experience]  


What talent acquisition tips did you pick up from Pokemon Go? Let us know in the comments!

About the author: Tom is a video game fan who is equally as passionate about helping companies transform their talent acquisition. Find him at his local PokeGym in East London.

Hanna Barishnikova

Area Sales Representative | B2B | Pharma |



Lee Charleton

Senior Oracle HCM Consultant


Enjoyable read Thomas Bourgault. Always fun to see the detractors statement, haters are always going to hate. Nice to see someone being a little bit more creative in their articles then rehashing things from the 80's and 90's.


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