How Storytelling Can Improve Your Sales

EventWhen people are asked what they do or how they decided to choose their career, they often give a short, to the point explanation. But, what we may be missing is the chance to form a connection with our customers.

When we choose to share the real story of how we became who we are and why we chose the career that we did, we open ourselves up to our clients by sharing personal details of our life. This is an effective way to build trust with your clients and allow them to see you as a real person, rather than just another sales person. To help you share your story and connect with your clients, I have listed some helpful tips.

  • Keep It Simple – When sharing your story with others, it is important that you keep it short and simple. This will ensure that the listener does not become bored, or lose interest halfway through.
  • Paint a Picture – Use your words to create a story that will appeal to the emotional and visual parts of the human mind. This will help your client become invested in your story and imagine the details that you are sharing with them.
  • Know Your Audience – As you become more experienced in the art of storytelling, you will learn how to read your audience. This will allow you to structure your story so that it appeals to a variety of people. When you understand your audience, you will be able to tell your story in such a way that your form a connection with each person you speak to.
  • Be Real – It is important that the story you are sharing is real and honest. People can tell when you are not being genuine with them. The more honest you are and authentic, the more your clients will connect with you and the message you are sharing.
  • Tell A Complete Story – It is important that your story have a beginning, middle, and end. When using a story to connect with your clients, it is important that your story be complete. Nobody wants to invest the time listening to a story just to be left wondering how it ended. If you want the payoff of a successful story, make sure you give your audience the ending that they have been waiting for.

Storytelling is not a natural skill for everyone, some of you may have to work to perfect your skills; but once you do, you will see why the most successful salespeople use stories to connect with their clients. Telling your story is a great way to connect with your clients and build their trust, you have a lot to gain by perfecting the art of storytelling in business.