Where is Jay Leno when we need him? Three stories

description Thanks to fellow author and animal lover Jim Robertson for reblogging my piece, which follows, to his Exposing the Big Game ...

1) Unlikely friendship of a dog and an owl ... Okay! So, why can't humans simmer down and be nice and stop eating other species? AND stop warring with one another? AND stop worrying and start being happy and looking out for each other? These photographs at the above link are exceptional - enjoy! LIFE as it was meant to be lived...by all!

Don't eat any animals under any circumstances; it is always wrong and misguided and thoughtless and cruel.


2) Urgent: Ask Indiana Legislators to Oppose ‘Canned Hunting’ Bill! This state has gone so damned low that it is not to be believed; they may have already voted as they are running crazy, mean-spirited legislation through like CRAZY!

(This just in: still 18 too many if you ask me! "Mycroft says another factor in last year's deer harvest decline is that only 18 state parks had hunts, compared with 22 state parks in 2013.")


3) ODD HEADLINE? "American gored by bull in Spain out of intensive care": not just a double preposition, but also sounds like the bull gave a bit of a gore to a rotten person just to teach a lesson in humane-ness, doing so from that spirit of concerned "intensive care" for the brat's soul?????? Like a parental swat? Where is Jay Leno when we need him?


Thanks for this feedback!

Laurie LaRue Bills: "Love to read Susie's writings! She is right on!"

Susan Carpenter: "This series of pictures is just sweet. The owl is so comfortable and trusting of his buddy. It makes my heart smile amidst others who have no respect for animals."

Kim Elizabeth Johnson: "As far as I'm concerned that 20 year old American kid gored by the bull got exactly what he deserved!"


Secrets of an Old Typewriter Stories from a Smart and Sassy Small Town Girl by Susie Duncan Sexton

More Secrets of an Old Typewriter Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels by Susie Duncan Sexton

Read about movies and nostalgia, animal issues and sociopolitical concerns all discussed in my book Secrets of an Old Typewriter and its follow-up Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels - print and ebook versions of both are available on Amazon (click the title).

The books are also carried by these fine retailers: Ann Arbor's Bookbound and Common Language; Columbia City's North Side Grille and Whitley County Historical Museum; and Fort Wayne's The Bookmark.

And you can download from iTunes.

Meet other like-minded souls at my facebook fan page

Visit my author website at www.susieduncansexton.com

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message 1: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Love, love, love!

message 2: by Beth (new)

Beth Kennedy i love when unlikely partners pair up. )

message 3: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Beth wrote: "i love when unlikely partners pair up. )"


message 4: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton thanks, beth and roy and laurie and susan and kim!!!!!

message 5: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "thanks, beth and roy and laurie and susan and kim!!!!!"

My pleasure! Proud of you!!

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