13 Phrases to Use with Your French Boyfriend

Dating or marrying a French, when you don’t speak French very well is often the “worst” way to learn the language. Why? Because SO many of you take the easy path of speaking English with him! Yes, you know I’m talking to you, girl.

It can be hard forcing yourself to use a language you don’t master in your real private life: at home, with friends, in bed… You know what I mean.

Guess what, here are 13 phrases to use at home with your French half. Yes!

Between you and him

Je t’aime.

I love you

Tu m’aimes ?

Do you love me?

J’ai envie de toi.

I want to sleep with you.

On se marie ?

Should we get married?

Tu me manques.

I miss you.

Reviens !

Come back!

Back from work

Bonne journée ?

Did you have a good day?

Quoi de neuf ?

What’s up?

Ca va ?

How are you?

A table !

Dinner time!

Please do this

Tu pourras

– ranger des affaires
– repasser tes chemises
– ramasser tes affaires
– sortir la poubelle
– t’occuper du diner
– sortir le chien

s’il te plait ?

Will you please

tidy your things
iron your shirts
pick up your things
take the rubbish out
cook dinner
walk the dog

Going out

Je sors ce soir (avec mes copines/les filles).

I’m going out tonight (with my friends/the girls).

On va au resto ?

Should we go to the restaurant?

Use them. A lot. 🙂


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