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Sex education by teens, for teens. Sex, Etc. is published by Answer.

October 22, 2014 11:27 am

Have you gotten the HPV vaccine?


Hello! My name is Joyce and I’m writing a story for Sex, Etc. about the low rates HPV vaccination. I’m asking teens to tell me why they have or why they haven't gotten the HPV vaccine. For example, my mother didn’t let me get the vaccine because she thought it would make me want to have sex and she told the doctor that I didn’t need it because I would be practicing abstinence.

If you do choose to answer, please include name, age and state. We don't have to publish your real name in the magazine but we need it for verification purposes. Only respondents between the ages of 13 and 19 can be included.

So, have you gotten the vaccine, why or why not? Has anyone had a similar experience to mine?

  1. settle-back-easy-jim reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  2. whattheworldisreallylike-blog reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  3. ann-narky answered: see the gardasil clusterfuck in Japan?
  4. rugs-topography-blog reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  5. dealwithityourway answered: Kaitlyn, 19, Alberta, Canada Yes I did. My mom said that she would rather I was safe if I was having sex.
  6. dealwithityourway reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  7. coupdegrac-i-e reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  8. baby-tomatoes answered: I’m Leighanna, and I’m 19, from Alberta (Canada). I haven’t gotten it because it is so new and who knows what the long term side affects are.
  9. rainbowsovermytwistedheart reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  10. bronyfriendzony reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  11. adidas-uchiha answered: I’m 16 and I didn’t get the HPV vac because my mom and sister have both had terrible reactions to it and I didn’t want to go through that.
  12. takewhatsleftanddowhatsright reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  13. kitsunexiii reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  14. operation-razorteeth reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  15. soundoftheantipsychiatree1451 reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation and added:
    “Real name”? Learn nothing from Facebook? If you mean legal name, say legal name. Or shit on trans people, from a...
  16. ravingsockmonkey reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  17. socialdullard reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation
  18. singimnotafraid reblogged this from fuckyeahsexeducation and added:
    Don’t get the damn vaccine! the risks of serious side effects are much higher than the chance of getting cervical cancer...
  19. sexetc posted this
