“Hands up, don’t shoot” comes to Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement

One of many
One of many
Image: AP Photo/Wally Santana
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HONG KONG—Thousands of pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong have, perhaps unwittingly, united themselves with another protest movement some 8,000 miles away. Activists demanding free elections for the semi-autonomous territory have been holding their hands up in the air in a symbol of non-violent protest, a gesture many in the US recognize from recent protests in Ferguson, Missouri after an unarmed 18-year-old was shot to death by police.

Most Hong Kong protesters aren’t purposefully mimicking ”hands up, don’t shoot,”as some have suggested. Instead, the gesture is a result of training and instructions from protest leaders, who have told demonstrators to raise their hands with palms forward to signal their peaceful intentions to police.

Asked about any link between the gesture and Ferguson, Icy Ng, a 22-year-old design student at Hong Kong Polytechnic University said, “I don’t think so. We have our hands up for showing both the police and media that we have no weapons in our hands.” Ng had not heard of the Ferguson protests. Another demonstrator, Ellie Ng, 24, said the gesture had nothing to do with Ferguson and is intended to demonstrate that “Hong Kong protesters are peaceful, unarmed, and mild.” (A more important symbol for the movement may be the umbrella, which protesters have been using to protect themselves against pepper spray and tear gas.)

Still, the gesture has taken on new meaning for Hong Kong residents whose relationship with the city’s police may never be the same. Hong Kong is one of the most intensively policed cities in the world, with a police force of 30,000 that rivals New York City’s but serves a fraction of New York’s population. The last time Hong Kong authorities used tear gas against demonstrators was in 2005, during demonstrations outside of a World Trade Organization meeting, and in 1967, when leftist activists rioted throughout the city.

Now, residents are shocked by images of students being tear gassed and elderly demonstrators being pepper sprayed in the face, footage that has prompted more protesters to join demonstrations on Monday.

Protesters chant slogans in front of the police during a confrontation after a rally for the October 1 "Occupy Central" civil disobedience movement in Hong Kong September 27, 2014. Over 100 pro-democracy students stormed Hong Kong government headquarters and scuffled with police late on Friday in protest against the Chinese government's tightening grip on the former British colony
Protesters chant slogans in front of the police during a confrontation in Hong Kong September 27, 2014.
Image: Reuters/Bobby Yip
A student protester in Hong Kong tries to negotiate with riot police as they fire pepper spray in to the crowd on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014.
A student protester in Hong Kong tries to negotiate with riot police as they fire pepper spray in to the crowd on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014.
Image: AP Photo/Wally Santana)
Protesters walk through tear gas used by riot police against protesters after thousands of people blocked a main road at the financial central district in Hong Kong, Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014
Protesters walk through tear gas used by riot police against protesters on a main road at the financial central district in Hong Kong on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014
Image: AP Photo/Vincent Yu