Why does Culture eat Strategy for breakfast?

Why does Culture eat Strategy for breakfast?

Because Culture is bigger, stronger and faster than strategy.

Strategy lives in your head. Culture lives in your heart and in your gut.

Strategy is what you know you should do. Culture is what you do anyway.

Strategy is a master plan on a whiteboard. Culture is First Contact with live people.

Strategy is Rational. Culture is Intuitive.

Strategy takes time to explain to someone. Culture understands you before you even open your mouth to speak.

Strategy describes a future state. Culture is the reality of Right Now.

Strategy is a set of tools. Culture is the body that puts the tools to work.

Strategy is an idea. Culture is an experience.

Strategy is intention and potential. Culture is innovation in action and implementation.

Strategy is the design on the org chart that shows who you talk to in order to get things done. Culture is who you actually talk to in order to actually get things done.

Culture without smart Strategy is a great place to hang out, have some fun, and keep things the way they are. Maybe you’re safe and comfortable and you’re not changing the world.

Strategy without strength of Culture is a great plan never executed. Maybe you’re making money but no one experiences themselves as powerful and free in what they do at work.

Now, a Culture of strong individuals who are interdependent in how they produce results, coupled with deliberate thinking and strategy against a big future…that’s where history is being made in the moment.

Written by Kevin Gangel, Co-founder of Unstoppable Conversations


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Greg Skrypiczajko

Canadian English Language Services Inc.


Kevin, that is fantastic insight. I fully agree. Thanks for making me stop and consider it all, because now I know that 'Culture is king.'

Mike Hanna

Synergy Canada Inc. Managing Director


Hi Kevin, I too am as strong believer in culture eating strategy. Look forward to talking with you soon regarding ABC Tech Climate Change Panel discussion cheers, Mike Hanna

Brenda Barefoot

Owner at Bear's Den Lodge


Simply explained - well written. Thanks,


Well done Kevin! Plus it's a greater privilege to create, build, synthesize one new organizational culture from the experiences of many.. It is a journey albeit with the right leadership the pain on the way is worthwhile the learning experience

Steve Cippa SIOR

Northern California Industrial Real Estate Broker ► Expert Advisor Before And After Every Transaction


Cool article, Michael Nott. Thanks!


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