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Friday Rules: 24.10.2014


Game of the Week - Roads & Boats. Be honest - owning donkeys has always been a secret lifelong dream of yours. Luckily, that dream can be (sort of) a reality! This 1-4 player game sees you starting with a fleet of donkeys, there to do the hard work and transport your goods between producers, in order to make more goods and earn those shiny coins! The bad news is, the only thing you can call your own is whatever is currently being carried by your donkeys/vehicles - anything else you've made, like a factory or a mine, is up for grabs by anyone! More bad news? With Roads & Boats, what might look like your average city-building and civilization game is actually a super-obscure and hard to come by city-building and civilization game! Splotter is a company renowned for making games for the love of it, meaning their games are elusive and not easily available. Check out this 'in play review' by Youtube vlogger Scott Nicholson and this game tutorial by Youtube vlogger Thaddeus Griebel!


Candyland is now available as an edible board game, with game cards made of chocolate.

Pass me that napkin, my drool's out of control. Gamesformotion, the quirky games company that deserves ALL THE AWARDS, has recently announced it will be adding Candyland to its growing list of board games made out of chocolate! Huh - the board game centred around sweets and sugary chocolate actually wasn't the first one to be made into real chocolate. A head scratcher, sure, but don't waste your time wondering when you could be EATING! Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and lots more of the classics are on offer in this delectable format. Check out the company here! Don't try and buy them, though, because I think they've run out. I placed a really big order.


tifa robles, the founder of the Lady Planeswalkers Society, smiles at geek girl con

Cards at the ready, ladies! Although a tense subject to talk about, sexism can often be found in almost any industry and gaming is no exception. This week an article was published on Bitch Magazine about women who play the card game Magic: The Gathering and their exclusion and ill treatment as players. It's a tough read but an important one, as the author tells us of the disrespect she faces by male players when running a Magic event or selling the products in store. Tifa Robles, the woman from the picture above, founded the Lady Planeswalkers Society (open to both female and male players) to counter this and create a space for women to learn and play the game without being potentially scoffed at or intimidated. This 'women being excluded from geek culture' thing is baaad news. Here's hoping it buggers off soon!


Y..O..U..-..G..U..L..L..I..B..L..E..-..S..H..I..-..Oh. You don't have to know board games to have heard about Ouija boards. They're the stuff of myth and legend - you might've even played one yourself! If not, it's a game in which spirits and ghosts take a break from haunting and throwing chairs around in attics to play a game of hangman. It's already been mentioned in Friday Rules, but they're bringing out a film - just before Halloween, naturally - and there's been an article published all about it and the history of the game. Top tip to believers: the boards didn't just spring out of history or appear mysteriously in abandoned houses - they were mass-produced by Hasbro back in the 1960s. Call me a critic, but I don't think ghosts tend to channel their energies through a commercial toy that exploits fear for cheap thrills, but hey, I could be wrong. Now, grab a weapon - I swear I heard a 'boo' from that old copy of Pandemic!


We're back for our second instalment of the Board Game Bar on Monday night! Like before, it's 5pm - 10pm, with stacks and stacks of games including new releases! We'll be on hand to teach games and check you're having an awesome time :) [£3 entry charge]. See you there!


In just over a week we're holding our Yu-Gi-Oh New Challengers Sneak Peek event, where you can play with the latest set a week before general release! Plus there's a chance to win awesome prizes, and just by participating you win one too! Sweet deal!


New Releases / Restocks / Coming Soon!


New In Store From Next Week - Is that the flapping of tiny wings I hear? The D&D Attack Wing Starter Set will be flying into the store!; Pandemic Contagion turns the tables and makes YOU the disease; get your Wolverine claws out, it's Dice Masters Uncanny X-Men; train robbery and other fun in Colt Express; Munchkin + Love Letter = Munchkin Loot Letter; Power Grid Deluxe; more Netrunner with the Up and Over Data Pack; Tammany Hall; making bold moves in Kill Shakespeare; heroic justice in Guardians Chronicles; trident troubles in Neptun; and the Alhambra Anniversary Edition will grace us with its presence! 


New Releases Available Now - WOW, what a week! New in fresh from Essen, we have Ted Alspach's long awaited Suburbia sequel with Subdivision; another one from Ted but with more mental majesty this time in Castles of Mad King Ludwig; founding new empires in Imperial Settlers; recreate history and all its craziness with Kickstarter's Historia; plus Splotter's elusive Roads & Boats and its expansion, &Cetera is here! New City. New Rules. New Monsters. Same fight... to be the King of New York!; and if that doesn't grab you, then how about growing the sleepy town of Machi Koro into the largest city possibe - both Christmas hits and both available NOW! We also have some fantastical expansions in Talisman The Woodland, Wiz-War Bestial Forces, and last but not least, a game of Super-Powered Combat; that's right, it's Sentinel Tactics.


Arriving Soon - a Xmas pressie gift for the Magic player in your life with the Holiday Gift box; the final siblings of the D&D family with Rise of Tiamat and Dungeon Master's Guide; beautiful storytelling in The Witcher Adventure Game; 3 new Pandemic expansions, including dice-based quick co-op The Cure, the competitive Contagion and the hotly anticipated Pandemic: Legacy; Dungeons and Dragons shrinks to miniature in a collaboration between Wizkids and Wizards of the Coast for the new Attack Wing Starter Set; from a galaxy far far away comes new Star Wars miniatures games, fleet-based Armada and ground-based Imperial Assault; family-friendly bluffing and bribery in Sheriff of Nottingham, .... PRE-ORDERS FOR ALL THESE BEING TAKEN NOW!

Previous article Next week's new releases, available from Monday 21st August!

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