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4 Techniques That'll Double Your Landing Page Conversions

This article is more than 9 years old.

Who wouldn’t want to double their landing page conversions? More conversions means more revenue. It only makes sense.

When it comes down to implementation, things aren’t so simple. Many marketers will run a few tests, tweak a few things, and call it day.

What happens next? The conversion rate might creep up a few percentage points. Maybe.

I think we can do better. Doubling conversion rates doesn’t happen by changing button colors. To do better, we need to do different.

Here are four techniques that, taken together, will most likely double your conversion rates.

1. Use a popup

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, popups will improve your conversion rates.

I’ve never met a website user who told me, “Oh, I love popups!” But nearly every conversion optimizer I’ve met has sworn by them.

Here’s why:  Popups work.

Are they irritating? Yes. Will some users bounce? Yes. Ah, but will your conversion rate improve? Yes.

Here’s how to use a popup with the maximum effectiveness:

  • Use a popup for email subscriptions.
  • Be sure to A/B test popups to see what kind of conversion rate improvements you experience.
  • The ideal timing on a popup is 60 seconds.
  • Use an explosive and compelling headline.
  • Make the benefits really obvious.
  • Keep the form as short as possible. No more than three fields.

2. Make everything bigger

The bigger the stuff on your landing page, the better.

I recommend making the most important elements of your landing page as large as possible.

Here are the three most important elements.

  • Headline - More users will read your headline than any other element on the page. Make it massive.
  • Images - Hero images are the new black in web design, and they work. Hero images create an immersive and emotional experience for the user, which heightens the likelihood of a conversion. The best images take up the full width of the screen, and are fully responsive.
  • CTAs - You can’t go wrong with ballooning your CTA. This is, after all, the most crucial element of a conversion. Users don’t convert without it. By making it bigger, you make it easier for users to convert.

In the field of landing page optimization, bigger is better.

3. Add more CTAs

The more CTAs on a page, the more chances a user has to convert.

Conventional landing page optimization tells you to use place the CTA above the fold. But what if you need to persuade visitors with content such as more copy or videos? What happens when the user scrolls down to read the content? Will they convert? Yes, they will, but only if there is a CTA.

You should put a CTA wherever a user might convert.

Put a CTA above the fold. Put a CTA after the video. Put a CTA after the benefits section. Put a CTA below the testimonials. If a user is approaching a place where they might convert, then give them a CTA.

More CTAs will drive your conversion rates upward, as long as you are strategically putting these CTAs where the likelihood of a conversion is higher.

4. Test a long form version

Which converts better, a long form landing page or a short one?

Increasingly, business owners are learning the value of long landing pages. By adding lots of, images, features, benefits, videos, and other content, the landing page becomes a place where the user spends more time and is more attracted to the product or service.

Not everyone is going to convert — even the conversion action is a simple one — based on a headline and a few bullets.

That’s why you need to create additional content that will do the following:

  • Answer questions
  • Address objections
  • Create trust
  • Provide emotional persuasion
  • Display data
  • Show images
  • Feature the product by using explainer videos

Some of the biggest conversion increases that I’ve witnessed have happened after the landing page expanded by as much as six times its original length. Often, the conversion rate increases weren’t just marginal; they were exponential.


As with any landing page optimization, I recommend split testing all your changes. Conversion rate improvements will happen, but you’ll want to watch the improvements in raw numbers.

What are the most effective conversion-boosting techniques that you’ve implemented?