Konstantin Sokhan is the author of JSDB.io JavaScripting.com, in his own words, “the definitive source of the best JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and plugins“.

JSDB.io is a really extensive catalogue of (clientside) JavaScript libraries grouped by topic. You can also submit your favourite ones if not yet there (the only requirement is that the library has at least 80 stars in GitHub, which suggest that the catalogue “only” covers libraries available on GitHub, not a big constraint nowadays).

The catalogue is not just a list of library names. Instead, JSDB.io shows a good summary of the library popularity and development status (number of forks, watchers, average time between commits, number of contributors…) and a basic description based on information available from GitHub. See for instance a partial view of the JQuery description.

JQuery summary

Stats and basic information about JQuery on the jsdb.io website

Libraries can also be sorted by ranking (popularity) and trendiness. For instance, see below the top 10 of most popular JavaScript libraries. Konstantin just clarified to me on twitter that ranking is a relative measure that look at how a library compares with the others in terms of commits, stars, authors and forks. Trendiness just ranks libraries by largest delta increase in “overall rating” over time.

Most popular JavaScript Libraries

Top 10 Most popular JavaScript Libraries

For some of the libraries, you have even the cdn.js links (in short, an open source CDN for all Javascript and CSS libraries, most CDN restrict themselves to host only the most popular ones).

What do you think about this initiative? Do you find it useful? Do you use other sources to find your JavaScript libraries? What about the rankings, any surprise or more or less is what you were already expecting to see?

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