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21 Texts Every Introvert Has Sent

Heyyy, I think I'm getting sick! Probably won't make it tonight.

1. When someone invites you out:

2. When discussing your pet peeves:

3. When you were expecting it to be just you and your friends but then more people get invited:

4. When you lay on your couch all weekend:

5. When someone invites you out, AGAIN, and you have to come up with a new excuse:

6. When you agree to go somewhere but know you're going to leave after 20 minutes:

7. When you FINALLY go out and then feel exhausted for weeks after:

8. When you are in need of some SERIOUS alone time:

9. When you don't want to talk to anyone on the phone:

10. When someone asks you what's wrong for the 193rd time:

11. When a stranger tries to talk to you:

12. When you ran out of excuses to use to get out of something social:

13. When your friend tries to talk to you and you accidentally don't pay attention at all:

14. When you're trying to figure out if you'll have an excuse to not talk to anyone when you go out:

15. When someone cancels plans before you had to come up with an excuse:

16. When you've been around people all day:

17. When your security blanket is about to be taken from you:

18. When you're just not in the mood for socialization:

19. When you're contemplating how to make your life better:

20. That rare moment when you actually AREN'T feeling so introverted:

21. And 30 minutes after you arrived at the bar: