sure they cry...all the way to the bank

heard something on the radio yesterday that all kinds of pro athletes are switching to a vegan diet out of compassion and for performance and that farmers are freaking out but the world is changing. (click here.)


now this I love...would appreciate seeing THIS -- the OTHER side of such a vital issue-- in small midwestern newspapers...thank GOD for the social network...wondering why here in Indiana we NEVER get to read informative articles but instead propaganda with politics and paybacks attached.

do our newspapers care about the readers ... all of the readers...or about $$$$$$$$$$? about time to drop subscriptions. certainly is. (click here for more.)


the circle of life means REVERENCE for all forms of life...and not purposely raising animals for slaughter and CASH! and once again a pig virus in Indiana...but no problem? "only" killing huge proliferations of newborn piglets...and "pork" prices are up because the profiteers are fattening up the pigs so they can generate more bucks per pound and rest assured no plague possibilities for "sweet HUMAN money-grubbing" pigs...just wipes out the piglets with fatal cases of diarrhea and they are tossed out and mama pig is artificially inseminated again and again and again...and breeders of animals to be slaughtered for profit cry.

sure they cry...all the way to the of these days we shall all pay the price for this terror...

(Indiana aligned with China also...big time...yet we are such a bigoted state...guess not when $$$$$ are involved?)

and then there's this ...

[click here to join me in commenting on this travesty.]

so tasteless, so coarse, so inhumane, so embarrassing, so utterly visceral in a kinky, brainless, hillbilly manner...why can't the hoosier state lead the way in banning these displays of human ignorance and animal abuse...just clueless and mindless and thoughtless.

can you believe this stuff? Indiana's biggest money-producing "crop" would be pigs...and we also have plagues because of the huge amount of over-bred pig populations...and yet we laugh about "meet your bacon" at these "wholesome" 4-H fairs and encourage big teen-agers to mud-wrestle, four humans on one animal--all over this state for weeks on end...summer "fun" is horrid.. nothing cute or wholesome or funny about amount of "spin" can justify how crude this makes our state look. was 4-H always this vile...never stopped to think about auction of flesh...flesh for cash...and brainwashing kids...plain and simple.

Elaine Musick: "Yes, I can believe it... backward and devolution... in all states in all regards, political, humanitarian. Here in VA, Smithfield Foods is now owned by the Chinese. They are a huge pork producer, and as we all know, there is much animal abuse, downright evil in China toward all animals.. I can only imagine the torture pigs suffer in that country. Boycott Smithfield Foods."

back to pig wrestling ... Tonja Robertson: "Indy Star---IN Criminal Code 35-46-3-12 makes it illegal to beat an animal, swine are included, the definition of beat in the code is 'to throw the animal against an object causing the animal to suffer severe pain or injury.' Are you looking into whether this act that you have reported on was illegal carrying criminal liability?"


Madeleine Fisher Kern: "It seems the pigs are wrestling the pigs. I don't know which is the bigger porker. I guess when they're not doing something constructive like terrorizing an animal, they watch TV and eat Cheetos. They are a disgrace."

Deborah Snyder: "They look like a bunch of uneducated, uncivilized idiots that do not have any common sense whatsoever... they should be arrested; this should be against the law. I hope they got a big mouth full of sh*t..."

end the apathy...enlighten people and encourage empathy. would a swine flu epidemic finally wise up these adults who devise this money-making crass mania at "fairs"? nothing fair about this atrocity. makes tons of us question the entire concept of 4-H to the maximum.

time to analyze this time-warp "fair" business and call it a day


Secrets of an Old Typewriter Stories from a Smart and Sassy Small Town Girl by Susie Duncan Sexton

More Secrets of an Old Typewriter Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels by Susie Duncan Sexton

Read about movies and nostalgia, animal issues and sociopolitical concerns all discussed in my book Secrets of an Old Typewriter and its follow-up Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels - print and ebook versions of both are available on Amazon (click the title).

The books are also carried by these fine retailers: Ann Arbor's Bookbound and Common Language; Columbia City's Memory Lane, North Side Grille and Whitley County Historical Museum; and Fort Wayne's The Bookmark.

And you can download from iTunes.

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message 1: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton hoo-ray! oh, hoo-ray! time to step up and stop the sheer cruelty designed for "fun" and profit and brainwashing...a sorry state of affairs. how can anybody with a heart and intelligence ignore this terror and its accompanying paid-for propaganda one more second? thanks for caring and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

message 2: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "hoo-ray! oh, hoo-ray! time to step up and stop the sheer cruelty designed for "fun" and profit and brainwashing...a sorry state of affairs. how can anybody with a heart and intelligence ignore t..."

amen, amen, amen!!

message 3: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton thanks, roy! thanks for your great heart and super intelligence...and for helping with this crucial matter always!

message 4: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "thanks, roy! thanks for your great heart and super intelligence...and for helping with this crucial matter always!"

Thanks for the kind words! Happy to help!

message 5: by Beth (new)

Beth Kennedy 'end the apathy, enlighten people, and encourage empathy'. such a good way to live a life. should be taught to children who will hopefully grow up to be caring adults, not doomed to repeat the same mistakes as some of their elders. you are like the dalai lama of the animal world, susie sexton.

message 6: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Beth wrote: "'end the apathy, enlighten people, and encourage empathy'. such a good way to live a life. should be taught to children who will hopefully grow up to be caring adults, not doomed to repeat the same..."

we love Beth - you nailed it!

message 7: by Kat (new)

Kat Beth you are so right dalai lama indeed. Miss Susie that is high praise in which you deserve and I agree 110% thank you again for a beautiful written article and you a pioneer in your own state. Congrats to you my dear. Love you

message 8: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Kat wrote: "Beth you are so right dalai lama indeed. Miss Susie that is high praise in which you deserve and I agree 110% thank you again for a beautiful written article and you a pioneer in your own state. ..."

You are so kind and so wonderful, Kat!

message 9: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton thanks, to you three...dalai lama I would love to be...and a pioneer, too! or better yet, everybody wakes up tomorrow revering sentient beings and I am not needed one more second???? :)

message 10: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "thanks, to you three...dalai lama I would love to be...and a pioneer, too! or better yet, everybody wakes up tomorrow revering sentient beings and I am not needed one more second???? :)"

We love you!!

message 11: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton and I love you all. but then I tend to LOVE human beings who know how wonderful animals me fickle!

message 12: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "and I love you all. but then I tend to LOVE human beings who know how wonderful animals me fickle!"

Fabulous criteria if you ask me!

message 13: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton granted....

message 14: by Kat (new)

Kat Susie you are no more fickle then me and animals need you so much and even us humans need a role model so what better role model than you. I would follow you to the ends of the earth to help an animal. Fabulous criteria indeed Roy.

message 15: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Kat wrote: "Susie you are no more fickle then me and animals need you so much and even us humans need a role model so what better role model than you. I would follow you to the ends of the earth to help an an..."

Amen, Kat!!

message 16: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton thanks, kat!!!! truly! may call on you when I get to the ends of the earth!!!

message 17: by Kat (new)

Kat may be there at the same time. LOL

message 18: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton no doubt about it...sometimes I am sure I have arrived already!

message 19: by Kat (new)

Kat that makes 2 of us. LOL Have a good weekend my friend

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