Oh, It's the End of the World - Part 5 Page 32

PREVIOUS: http://matthewbogart.net/ohits-page26 READ FROM BEGINNING: http://matthewbogart.net/ohits-page1 DOWNLOAD THE PREVIOUS EBOOKS: http://matthewbogart.net/downloads So that's the last page of Part 5 and the last page of this flashback. I'm going to be taking a bit of a break from making pages for the next two weeks as I'm going to be starting up my Kickstarter, but even without posting pages I'll have plenty of cool stuff to share with you guys. Some folks have been kind enough to do guest posts for me, I've got lots of behind the scenes work to share with the folks who are backing at $3 and above, I've even got an audio interview / discussion about Patreon itself that I'm doing the finishing edits on. On top of all that I'm going to be putting together the ebook version of "Oh, It's the End of the World" Part 5 in the next few weeks. Everyone backing at the $5 level and above will get a copy of that. Thanks for reading along with this chapter everyone, and thanks for backing me. More is on it's way! (Thanks to Barry and Adrian for their advice on this page.)

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Matthew Bogart

creating Incredible Doom

Matthew Bogart

creating Incredible Doom