He died during a medical examination to investigate respiratory issues, which medicine was not improving, the zoo said.

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Towan, Woodland Park Zoo’s popular, artistic orangutan, died Thursday at the age of 48.

He and his twin sister, Chinta, were born to great public interest in 1968.

“This community has known and loved Towan since he was born here,” a post on the zoo’s blog said. “Many of you watched him grow up and as the decades passed, he watched us too.”

Towan died during a medical examination to investigate respiratory issues, which medicine was not improving, zookeepers said.

Throughout the years, Towan generated a wide fan base that spans generations; he’s the oldest orangutan in North America born in a zoo, according to the zoo.

Zookeepers have touted the orangutan’s skills as an accomplished artist; his paintings have sold for more than $1,000 at auction. He worked with paint-filled pens and colored chalks unlike other artist orangutans, who paint with their tongues.