Call for papers: Creative research methods in the social sciences

NCRM news
Kaisa Puustinen

The Social Research Association will be hosting a conference on Creative Research Methods in the social sciences, on Friday 8 May 2015, at the British Library conference centre in London.
This conference will bring together researchers from a range of disciplines and sectors to share experiences and learning. There will be four concurrent workshop streams based on the four main areas of creative research methods:
  • Arts-based research
  • Research using technology
  • Mixed method research
  • Transformative research frameworks (e.g. participatory, emancipatory, feminist, decolonising methodologies)
The conference organisers would like to receive papers and presentations on creative research methods within and across these areas. The organisers recognise that some research projects may span more than one of these areas; if this applies to you, please state which stream you would prefer to join, and any other stream(s) you would be willing to join.
At research methods conferences, there is often an emphasis on gathering data at the expense of other parts of the research process. The organisers will accept papers on creative methods of gathering data, but they are also interested in creative methods of planning research, reviewing literature and other ways of contextualising research, analysing data, writing, presenting findings, dissemination, and so on.
In the spirit of creativity, the conference organisers are taking a broad approach to the terms 'papers' and 'presentations'. The organisers are interested in hearing from all researchers, whether service user, practice-based, academic, policy, or other researchers. Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be emailed to the SRA office,, by 1 December 2014, with 'CRM conference abstract' in the subject line. Please include in the same document a short (80-100 word) biography, email address, and phone number. Please do not send completed presentations at this stage. The content will need to be sufficient for a 20-minute presentation followed by questions. One presenter per submission will receive a discount on the delegate fee.
Submissions to: – subject line: CRM conference abstract
Deadline: 1 December 2014