Speaking Tips

#1 - Join a group like Toastmasters

#2 - Maintain Eye Contact

#3 - Practice, practice and practice

#4 - Believe in what you are saying

#5 - Dress Sharp - Personal Grooming is important

#6 - Do a sound check before hand and make sure you have your tools

#7 - Know your material. Don't memorize.

#8 Visualize a great end result.

#9 Know your audience and their interests

#10 Relax and don't be so tough on yourself

#11 Build suspense and tell a story

#12 Don't speak to fast or too slow. Change your tempo depending on the speech.

#13 Be funny if the speech calls for it

#14 Don't dwell on your errors

#15 Keep it short and simple

For more of the best speaking tips check out the public speakers blog.

Also, add your tip in the comment box below!