Use Your Passion to Engage Your Audience

Martha Graham said:

Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion.

And this does not just apply to dancers but to anyone who stands up in front of an audience and tries to connect with them. This does not mean that presenters should become dancers or actors because it's easy for actors to make Shakespeare sound good, what we have to do is much more challenging, we have to make science, economics or computers interesting!

One of the key elements to getting our audience's interested in our topics is through passion.

When we stand up and speak about our subject with real passion, the audience will hear this, they will see this and they will feel this and when they do they will be all the more interested in your topic because we pick up on people's passion, we want to share it, we want to know why you're so excited about this topic..

The opposite is also true. We've all sat in lectures where the lecturer sounds bored with the topic and we feed off this, if the lecturer finds it boring then we lose interest.By the end of the lecture no-one has any interest and we've all wasted our time.

Do you love the work you do?

Do you really really love it?

Is it so exciting that you just want to run out and tell everyone all about it?

Next time you stand up to give a presentation, don't just think of it as a boring task that has to be completed, look at it as a chance to get people excited about something that you are passionate about!

Passion is powerful, use it.

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