Sean Beaupre Details The Trustzone Vuln That Unlocked The Droid Turbo.


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Oct 6, 2011
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TheRootNinja team including Beaups and Jcase decided to give us a tasty treat on Thanksgiving day. They released the first ever Bootloader Unlock method for the Droid Turbo. This will pave the way for all kinds of Roms and mods on that device. One of the main reasons these vulnerabilities are made public is actually to help make our devices more secure in the end.

With this in mind Beaups has decided to publish the full details of how this particular Trustzone vulnerability works to unlock your Droid Turbo bootloader. While this is an entertaining read most of it is way over my head. One interesting detail is that there are a few other devices vulnerable to this including the Motorola Nexus 6 and the Galaxy Note 4. If security and development interest you you will want to head to the link below and read up!

via TheRoot.Ninja


Silver Member
Sep 5, 2011
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Mmmmm, root, Knox avoidance, and VZ counter reset on ze Note 4? Here's hoping. I've been missing out on Xposed and CM for a while now and those Dev Editions are just in too short a supply to bother with. Niceness :cool: