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Asbestos handling court case after recommendations were ignored

A specialist asbestos removal company exposed workers to fibres during demolition of a school in Lincolnshire, Lincoln Magistrates’ Court was told on 27 May.

It was told that Angus Group did not manage the removal of materials at the site of the former Ermin Infants’ School in Lincoln during work carried out in March 2012.

The company had been sub-contracted by the demolition contractor to remove the asbestos, following a survey that revealed it had been used in a spray-applied coating on the end walls of the school’s main hall.

Investigations by the Health and Safety Executive revealed that the spray coating was removed using power tools with no screens, enclosures or air extraction systems in place, with asbestos-containing material bagged and carried to a skip on site.

The HSE stated it had found a “catalogue of errors” in Angus Group’s working procedures, which had led to an unnecessary release and spread of asbestos fibres and dust.

Fifteen of the 17 samples taken in and around the hall proved positive for asbestos and further tests revealed it had spread throughout the building.

Work was also halted on the building’s boiler room by HSE, because procedures were found to be unclear and a decontamination unit was not working.

The court fined Angus Group, of Paisley, Scotland £109,000 plus £42,100 costs for breaches of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006.

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