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5 Things I like About April

April 2, 2014

I guess I could find at least 5 good things to say about any month, but April is somehow special. I consider it the real beginning of spring. It’s the month when everything turns green and when rain doesn’t upset us, just because it helps Nature to plunge into its full beauty.

Anyway, here my 5 Things:

1. It’s the cleanest month of the year. Have you started your Spring Cleaning? I almost have… I started cataloging my old paintings – that’s a huge job, that will probably take me all April. I might create one more portfolio, something similar to my photography one (please click here if you’d like to see it).

2. It has a nice round number of 30 days. Not too long, not too short, just right (only 4 months a year have 30 days) + I have a personal reason to like this fact.

3. It has the weirdest day of the year – April Fools (what’s all that about!?). Did you manage to fool anyone? I had 3 attempts, but only 2 were successful.

4. April is Humor Month. Hmm… So here’s a short joke for you – “When I see lovers’ names carved in a tree, I don’t think its cute. I just think it’s crazy how many people bring knives on a date.”

5. If I lived in Holland… I could celebrate my Birthday together with the Queen. Oh, one more royal fact – the birthstone for April is the diamond.



(Please click on the image to see its full version, then right click and choose the “save  picture as…” option to download it onto your computer.)

Well, I hope you like this month desktop image – that’s a branch of a larch, although a conifer, yet a deciduous tree and… please don’t forget to tell me your 5 Things.

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