J Andrew World

creating Poster a day project, Word Salad, and more!

  • 322 posts
  • $8.43/month

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The cheapskate option
Become a patron. Have that warm feeling in your gut that you did the right thing. You can connect with me on the activity page and get previews of upcoming projects.
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The bare minimum option
Word Salads
that I chose not to run. Sometimes they are quite funny, however, like the Highlander, there can be only one. You can see the creative process at work and I discuss why those comics were discarded. There will be at least one bonus comic a week, some weeks there could be more.

 / month

The sticky option
This is a sticker of the image that lead me down the rabbit hole of being a visual activist. It is of the image Treason in Defense of Slavery. Originally created as a protest of Bob McDonnell of Virginia signing in Confederate History Month into an actual thing. I have since made it into a sticker. You also get:
-Bonus Word Salads

 / month

The Tigerbeat option
You get a Warning: Fascism poster to hang up on your wall! This poster first appeared in the comic Right About Now and has been sold around the world in both poster and tee shirt form. Every year you are a patron at this level, you get a different new poster. You also get:
-Bonus Word Salads
-Treason in Defense of Slavery sticker

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J Andrew World

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