How to get guest posts FOR DAYSSSSS!

EDIT – Since the release of this article I have updated my free trial of my link building system which now contains all of the training in this article as well as the same exact level of training to build resource page links at scale, the idea is so that you can spend 5 hours and build 10 high-quality links.

So I was recently in a facebook group just casually browsing, and a dude asked a question about a service and if it was good.

I’m not gonna name names here, but these guys were asking for $100 for one guest post on a DA 10-30 domain. And best of all, from the other reactions they were just throwing guest posts on PBN’s.

So obviously when I saw this I immediately thought, shit if people are willing to pay $100 for a guest post even if it’s bad quality, how much would one of mine be worth?

Probably a $bajillion, but alas, because I’m a super cool dude, I’ll show you how to do it, at extremely high quality, for pretty much nothing (in comparison). And we ain’t talking about 1 here either, we are talking about 1 per day, if you want that many.

I’ll show you how to do it yourself in this article, but if you’d rather just hire somebody and give them my training documents, they are at the bottom of this article, and yeah, you will have to opt in to my list to get them, sorry!

This is effectively one of my link trainings for free, so you’d better enjoy this shit, but if you like this and you want to learn how to do the other types, check out the training HERE.

So here’s how, do this exactly:

1. Create google sheet to track results

You need a basic sheet to track who has been contacted and their responses.

Here is an example sheet:

It has 3 tabs:

Live or agreed links – this is so that you know where your guest posts are live or what date they will published once you have something agreed.

Link targets – this contains all of the opportunities you want to approach for guest posts.

Writers – you won’t need this for the majority of you, but I like to have 5 different writers of different levels, so that i can provide content of any quality required.

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2. Hire prospector (get them to send the outreach as it’s so simple)

You will need somebody to do the boring bits for you, I use upwork and pay $3.33 per hour for this role, It’s simple data entry so as long as somebody can speak English and follow a set of instructions then they can do this job for you.

Usually this role will just make lists of targets for you, but because this is only guest posting, you can let them do the outreach part too as there is not a whole lot of negotiation etc

Job descriptions etc are included in the free trial of my link training so go and grab that if you want the hiring advice.

3. Hire a writer (use hirewriters)

You need a writer, somebody to create the content for people to publish for you, if you are doing this just for backlinks sake, we can can get somebody from hirewriters to essentially rewrite existing content to have published.

If you are doing it for traffic and exposure reasons, you might want to hire a better writer and have something great produced.

4. Prospect for 40 opportunities (use these terms)

Your new prospector will be able to get around 10 targets contacted per hour, I make them find 40 each month and contact and negotiate 10 per week, this keeps a steady flow coming in and doesn’t overwhelm them.

You are going to get about 50% response rate, so if they contact all 40 they will get lost and ruin some of the opportunities. Don’t get greedy, stick to 10 at a time at the most, I usually do 7.

To find opportunities, just put any keyword related to your market (followed by a space) into the c3 cell in the Google sheet below (you will need to make your own copy of it by clicking file and then make a copy), you will then be able to edit the file.

The click enter, this will generate a LOAD of search queries, then just copy and paste those things (in column c) into your favourite search engine and it will poop out results for you, then you’re gonna need to check them manually, which is why I get somebody else to do it for me as it’s time consuming and not really worth it, but you can try it out for a few just to check that it works.

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5. Send them the pitch (only 10 at a time, you will get about 4-5 responses from 10 pitches)

Send this pitch, customise it as much as possible with personal details:

6. Negotiate title with them, use buzzsumo to find popular content

When you get a response they will generally ask for a title or ask what you want to write about. You can go to and type in your keyword,this will show you the most shared articles around that topic.

You can then just create a similar sounding title and send it over to the target.

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7. When agreed, have writer smash it out by rewriting

When they agree to a title for you to write, you can easily have something written for about $8-10 to the standard that most people require, go ahead and rip a few of the articles you found through buzzsumo and send the links to a writer on and just ask them to rewrite them for you.

Send them over to the target and…
Voila, guest post!

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