Getting credit for work on issues

Last updated on
23 May 2023

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If you contribute your time to fixing a Drupal project issue, your contribution can be recognized (once the issue is marked as Fixed) if you attribute it properly. In addition, if you are working for an organization or customer when you contribute, they may want to share your credit for helping Drupal. The following attributions are possible:

  1. Without explicit attribution (individual contribution)
  2. I contributed on behalf of my employer
  3. I contributed on behalf of a customer organization paid by my employer
  4. I contributed on behalf of a customer organization that paid me directly
  5. I contributed on my own time as a volunteer and community member
  6. I contributed on this issue with some of my time paid for by an employer, but some of my time was my own
  7. I contributed this work as a volunteer for one or more customer organizations

You will need to decide what type of attribution you want for your work -- talk to your organizations or customers about this. Issue comments are public communication, and while the words and work you post are your own, concerns can arise when you attach an organization name. Always make sure you follow any contracts you've signed, and don't disclose anything you should not disclose publicly.

Setting up to credit an organization

To be credited, organizations and customers need organization pages on These should be set up by someone representing the organization, who has the authority to create an organization page. Requesting marketplace listing is not required for attribution however the credit information is used, in aggregate, to weight contributing organizations in the Drupal Marketplace.

In addition, you need to be connected to the organization in order to have your contributions be attributed to them. Go to your user profile, click Edit, then Work, and add the organization, exactly matching the organization page name. Check Current organization and save.

Making an attribution

Whenever you comment on an issue, your contribution will automatically be credited to you as an individual. To add an organization, look above your comment for the Attribute this contribution fields. Once you set this, the default values will stay for future comments; if you have multiple employers or customers, be sure to change these as necessary.

If you want to credit multiple employers or customers in a single comment, you can do that. The organization field is multi-select, and the customer field will allow you to enter as many companies as needed.

A user attributes a company and a client

Editing your attribution

If you need to modify the attribution you made, you can do so by editing the attribution with your comment. However, once the overall issue credit has been assigned by a maintainer, it can no longer be edited.

Viewing the attributions made by others

The attributions that others have made with their issue comments can be viewed by clicking on the Credit button next to the commenter's username.

A user attributes a company and a client

Seeing a summary of attributions

In the Credit & committing section at the end of any issue, you can see a quick summary of the attributions that contributors have made with their comments. Attributions made by individuals on their own time are shown separately from the attributions made by the same people while on the clock. This shows a complete and fair picture of the individuals, organizations, and customers who made the contribution possible.

A maintainer can use the Credit & committing box at the bottom of the issue to save credit for contributors and their attributed organizations to the issue.

Why is crediting organizations and customers important?

For a detailed explanation of why this is important and why it aligns with the Drupal community's values, see Dries's DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014 keynote.


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