
Kate Spade Wins Gloria Steinem in Female-Icon Arms Race

Kate Spade bit actor Gloria Steinem.
Kate Spade bit actor Gloria Steinem.

In glass-walled board rooms perched atop the tallest towers of coastal cities, brands are engaged in the arms race of a lifetime: What female icon can they pay to peddle their wares? Joan Didion’s already been cast by Céline, and Hillary Clinton has that whole presidential campaign thing going on. Still, brands are desperate to reach a new swath of consumers — those that are equally conscious about women’s rights and whether this dress looks right. Lucky for the muses at Kate Spade, they just struck gold, releasing a commercial featuring beloved feminist icon Gloria Steinem.

How jealous do you think Dove is right now?

We eagerly await the next Tampax commercial, starring Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Kate Spade Wins Gloria Steinem in Icon Arms Race