
Ameen at Seera Masters

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Assalamualaikum. Do you any advice, why until now i havent find any guy/jodoh? Thank u

Walaykum assalam. Sorry I don't understand. What's a jodoh?

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Assalamu alaikum, Ameen. I have a question please. I want to think out of the box. I want to think out of the box and become creative so badly. How do I do it? Any tips? Thanks in advance!

Walaykum assalam! I loved this question. Here's my answer https://youtu.be/nS9LUs1vk-YAmeenOutspoken’s Video 140366491649 nS9LUs1vk-YAmeenOutspoken’s Video 140366491649 nS9LUs1vk-Y

Asalaam Aleikum. I am in a huge dilemma hope you can help in sha Allah. So basically I want to get my fitness game on, the only sure way of staying motivated and being consistent is going to the gym. I am however trying to keep of music and I will listen to music if I hit the gym for sure. plz Help!

Walaykum assalam!
HEre's your answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIng2gZvgYUAmeenOutspoken’s Video 140183613953 wIng2gZvgYUAmeenOutspoken’s Video 140183613953 wIng2gZvgYU sorry for the delay

Salam Ameen.. do you know any books or lectures that cover the topic of how to get to know a potential spouse, what questions to ask? I understand that we won't really know until we live with them, but at least the basics.Have you thought about doing a series on that before?I really enjoy your work!

Walaykum assalam
Appreciate the kind words, lilah alhamd!
Good question. Years ago I recorded this series and I agree with 90% of it still today: https://soundcloud.com/ameenoutspoken/sets/marriage-prep-things-ive
If I was married I'd probably make a lot of material on it.
Some ideas for questions:
+ Ask questions that don't have a right or wrong answer
+ Allow them to be vulnerable with you by being vulnerable with them first
+ Situation questions might be good (What would you do if X and Y happened and then Z went to bla bla?"
To be honest the best material I've found has been from just observations and discussions with a certain friend or from non Muslims.
I'd pick this up https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/080072478X/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=GW4IZF9NPIAB&coliid=I189DML05YNZY2 (I haven't read it myself yet though).
This is a good blog post I remember http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/02/pick-life-partner.html
This is a good read but isn't exactly about what to ask: http://muslimmatters.org/2014/10/06/3-marriage-models-we-need-to-rethink/3/
I think 1 thing that will help a LOT is knowing yourself really well and being honest about what you can and cannot accept. Because although your spouse won't be perfect, you need to accept everything about them including their flaws.
Hope that helps

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Liked by: mehadabdulqadir

Assalamu alaykum Ameen, how do I handle emotional abusive parent?

Walaykum assalam,
Thanks for asking and sorry for the delay. I usually don't answer in writing because I want to make videos for each question and let everyone benefit. However, I've been taking too long to answer with videos so let me answer at least this one in writing.
I am not an expert in this but I feel I have come into this situation to an extent and I'm suriving.. pretty well I would say.
What has helped me the most is truly knowing myself. That means being really brutally honest with myself about why I do things and think certain things. Why people feel a certain way about me and why they get a certain impression from me. It's also thinking of what I've been good at and bad at, those are parts of me too.
Once I know myself, I can filter out criticism (emotional abuse?) into 2 buckets:
- holds some weight
- holds no weight
If it holds some weight then I should have my own self improvement plan in place and I'll either have a way I'm working on that negative trait or I don't have a way and in that case I need to add it and it was a positive ciritcism.
If it holds no weight then I need to realise that I'm a good judge of myself, I'm open to criticism but only if it holds weight. Then I can brush it aside more easily.
In general it's good to know your strengths and focus on making them even better, that is the root of confidence. Not being good at everything but having a focused thing you're good at and excelling a lot in it.
Hope this helps

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When do we have to lower our gaze? like for example, when we girls see someone handsome do we need to do so? or we need to lower our gaze when we can see their aurah?

Yes, if you find yourself looking at a man lustfully or prolonging the look without good reason then you need to look away. It is not just if you can see their awrah.
As for if you can look at them when talking to them in a normal way then I can't comment on that. Allah knows best and I'm not someone of deep knowledge.

What's a healthy way of expressing frustration or anger (for a Muslim)? surely bottling it up every time isn't the right thing to do.

Filmed a video to answer this. Will be out in the coming weeks inshaAllah

with dawahman it's "where has he studied, we demand it as he is giving public lessons" for this Zahed guy, it's "ye he's qualified but can't tell u how"

What should one say to someone with an attitude like yours?

no I wouldn't want suggestions from a muta'alim like you. Many du'at go out of their way to translate many good books into English like seerah books and other books to have clowns like you not recommend reading. what next, you'll recommend them to do a few courses and open up a YouTube account likeU

قل والله

So how on earth does that make him qualified, it's probably a uni in Birmingham or something? sounds like another dawahman thing, barely having studied yet doing public lessons with no scholars having recommended.

lol such bad assumptions of your brother with all these 'probably's. You should assume the best of your brother as I'm sure you know.

Do you have any Islamic book recommendations?

I don't recommend reading Islamic books especially in English.
Instead study with a teacher or follow an online course.
I can make suggestions if you like.

Salam alaikum, Not a question but wanted to say I really like your videos and way of thinking, very different and interesting! May Allah put barakah in everything you do!

Walaykum assalam!
Thank you so much. Alhamdulilah and Ameen!
May Allah bless you

AsalamuAlaykum, Eid Mubarak Ameen! I pray you and your family are in the best health & imaan,Thank you for the amazing content that you continue to put out,I've enjoyed your videos ever since the Iman glide series,May Allah put Barakah in your efforts and make it a means for your entrance to Jannah!

Walaykum assalam!
Thank you so much for the kind words!
wow good to know people like you have stuck around! Alhamdulilah.
Ameen Ameen! May Allah bless you!

And akh alhumdullah everything qadr so as long as u tried ur hardest to get what it is u want then all is khair

Alhamdulilah thank you bro

Allah reward you. wAllah you helped me a lot even if you don't realise ishAllah you raise good kids like you jzk for ur videos and advice

Ameen. Thank you alhamdulilah. That's the best way, when I don't even know if I'm doing good or not


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