
Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh recommends tricks for more treats

A good football coach always has a plan, so it's not a surprise that Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh has come up with a scheme to help his kids maximize their candy collection this Saturday on Halloween. Essentially, one little trick leads to many more treats.

"I advised them to get two costumes, to be go-getters," Harbaugh told the Detroit ABC affiliate in an interview earlier this week. "You can hit the neighborhood in one costume -- and better to jog and run from house to house, then you can get more candy than anybody else. Then come home make a quick change into the second costume and go hit those same houses again."

Skip to the 1:55 mark of the video at the top of this story to see all of Harbaugh's Halloween tips.

The combination of creativity and hustle is a hallmark of any Harbaugh playbook -- on or off the field.

"Constant hustle, hustling at all times," he said.

The coach admitted that he pulled the same tricks when he was a youngster prowling for his own candy. After all, the more candy you eat, the more whole milk you can use to wash it down. If you've lived in Ann Arbor for the past four decades, there's a good chance the head coach of the Wolverines owes you a few Dum Dums or bite-sized candy bars.

For all his ingenuity on Halloween, Harbaugh wasn't particularly creative when it came to the costumes. He said he usually went with the traditional bedsheet with a couple of eyeholes poked out. There's a good chance the streets around Ann Arbor this weekend will see more khakis and blue sweatshirts than simple ghost costumes.