Designed to put your workout in the fast lane, this high-intensity programme, devised exclusively for Red, burns fat, sculpts muscles and supercharges fitness.

'This workout is a great way to get your dream body without leaving the house,’ says Christina Howells, of That Girl, who devised the programme. Each exercise is a combination of two moves. Do 20 seconds of each, then rest for 40 seconds. Repeat the whole set three times. Ideally, do this workout twice a week.

Combo 1: Plié squat (20 secs) + Plié pulse jump (20 secs) + 40 secs rest


Plié squat

Start position: Stand with feet wide, toes turned out, hands on hips. Your back is straight and chest is lifted. Position check: bend your legs to a 90º angle to check your knees are in line with your heels.

1. Lower your body by bending your knees, keeping your spine straight. Make sure you work to open the hips by encouraging the knees backwards as you squat.

2. Return to the start position by rooting down into your heels – think of drawing the inner thigh muscles up against the bone.


Plié pulse jump

Start position: Stand with feet wide, toes turned out, hands clasped under your chin.

1. Bend your legs to a 90º angle, knees in line with heels.

2. Spring up from both feet, just leaving the floor.

3. Land back in the deep plié position.

Repeat the combo twice more.

Combo 2: Sprinter right (20 secs) + Sprinter left (20 secs) + 40 secs rest


Sprinter right

Start position: Step your left leg forward and lower your body until both knees are bent at 90º angles. Your left knee is directly above the ankle and your right knee under your hip. Your right fingertips touch the floor and your left arm is straight out behind you. Keep your chest and head lifted and your gaze forward.

1. Root down into your left front foot, then push yourself up to standing as you kick your right leg forwards.

2. Return to the deep lunge position, right hand back on the floor.

Sprinter left

Do the same as before, right leg forward.

Repeat the combo twice more.

Combo 3: Goblet squat (20 secs) + 180 turnaround (20 secs) + 40 secs rest


Goblet squat

Start position: Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Clasp your hands in front of your chest.

1. With a straight spine, squat down so that your hips are just lower than your knees.

2. At the bottom, root down through your heels to push yourself back to the start position.


180 Turnaround

Start position: Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out. Squat down to place your right hand on the floor between your thighs with your left arm extended out behind you. Your chest is lifted and your gaze is forwards.

1. Jump up, straightening your legs, and rotate your body 180º to the left, landing in a squat position with the left arm touching the floor between your thighs. Return back in the opposite direction. On your next set, jump to the right.

Repeat the combo twice more.

Combo 4: Walk-out plank (20 secs) + Grasshopper (20 secs) + 40 secs rest


Walk-out plank

Start position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, spine straight and gaze forwards.

1. Soften the knees and draw in your abdominals as you bend forwards and place your hands on the floor.

2. From here, walk out your hands to come into one straight line, keeping your back straight and neck long.

3. Walk your hands back towards your feet and return to standing.



Start position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, spine and neck long, hands by your sides.

1. Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Jump your feet back into a plank position so your body and legs are in one straight line.

2. Immediately jump your feet back to your hands.

3. From this crouching position, stand up.

Repeat the combo twice more.

Clothes by Charli Cohen