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Above: The Birth of Venus by Sandro Boticelli

by Mervyn Brady

When Love presents itself, our role is to experience it, not to control it or to understand it … we cannot.  We will never understand Love with the mind.  It will always elude our understanding.  We can only experience it.

There is no safe investment in Love. To Love is to be vulnerable and I can almost guarantee that if we Love, our heart will be stretched and possibly broken.  It is because of this that some people choose to live in a self-protected LOVELESSNESS.

If we want to keep our hearts intact, we must not give it to anyone or thing.  Yet we constantly take the risk. Such is our desire for Love. Perhaps the only place we are safe from Love, is the one place where it does not exist … HELL.

In LOVE we get nearer to God by developing the triad that does not try and avoid suffering, but  consciously offers the subsequent suffering to God.  He will take it and make us grow.

The Love between two people is an exact mirror image of the Mystical Union between the Soul and God.  When we encounter a great Love in our life we taste what union with God is like.
Most of our Spiritual Guides on Love were celibates.  They did not know what Love and domesticity did to us. Preoccupation or identification with the Beloved can become an obstacle to the Spiritual or inner Life, as they both compete for the same space.
Let your Loved One reside inside you, not outside of you.
In the beginning we desire the pleasures and delights that the Lover can bring. Desire is the best prelude to pleasure.  Then it changes so we desire the very person.  We move from digesting pleasures to people.  

We must merge and soar with the beloved until the understanding fails and even reason remains outside.
Love wills us to venture deeper into the Unknown Regions.

Remember, Love is a gift and we pay a rent for it to God.  We are never the freeholders. It is never ours.


Venus detail by Sandro Botticelli


Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. 

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.


~ William Shakespeare
    Sonnet 116


The Fountain is the monthly Newsletter of the Academy of European Arts and Culture. Dedicated to the study of consciousness through art, philosophy and mysticism, 
the Academy holds monthly workshops and 
weekly meetings throughout the United States, Mexico, England and Australia. We hope our newsletter will bring light, love and new understanding into your life.




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Psyche and Eros by William A. Bouguereau


First we taste love, then from taste comes desire.  With desire comes fear and uncertainty, i.e. is it real?  Will he/she still like me?... If you could stand exposed, trembling in your uncertainty and raw feeling, with no expectation, then something rarely available to man would be unleashed.

The object of the love, or the lover, awakens the love that is already inside of us.  Love is more inside of us than we are.  It is waiting for the beloved to trigger it!

~ Mervyn Brady

Day and the Dawn Star by Herbert Draper

I tell you this
to break your heart,
by which I mean only
that it break open
and never close again
to the rest of the world.

~ Mary Oliver

Academy Events in September

Embracing the Unknown
Monday, September 14, 2015

Chicago, IL
7:30 PM

Introductory Meeting
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
7:30 PM
Rockland County

The Divine Art of Remembering the Soul
Monday, September 28, 2015
Albuquerque, NM
7:30 - 9 PM 

Click on the event title for venue
and RSVP information

Academy Books and CDs
(Click on the titles to order)


Mervyn Brady reads the great words of poets and philosophers ranging from Lao Tsu to Walt Whitman.

A wonderful mystical fairytale created and edited by Academy students Ran Cohen, and Lucella Campbell.


"Smelling the Roses:
Memoir of an Irish Philosopher"

by Mervyn Brady

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