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Study: Avoiding Diet Beverages Helps Women Lose Weight

Can diet beverages with artificial sweeteners screw up your weight loss?

A new study tested what happened to women who stopped drinking diet soda, compared to women who were advised to keep drinking it. It's the first study of its kind and the result was clear.

Coca-Cola will NOT like this, but it may help a lot of people:  Continue Reading →

The Mid-Victorian Diet: The Healthiest Diet You've Never Heard of

The Mid-Victorian Diet: The healthiest diet you've never heard of. Guess why? Continue Reading →

A Worldwide Nutrition Revolution: What Is Next?

How can so many experts on nutrition be totally wrong about almost everything?

There's a simple answer – the bar for evidence has been set far too low, completely ignoring the classic Bradford-Hill criteriaContinue Reading →

Cheerios Protein: Hardly Any Extra Protein, SEVENTEEN TIMES More Sugar Than the Original

Most misleading marketing for kids cereals ever? Continue Reading →

How to Stop Food and Sugar Cravings

Are you struggling with cravings for food or sweets? Many, many people are. All over the world, people are unaware of the fact that they’ve become addicted. Addicted to something that’s added in almost everything. And there is no way to avoid it completely; you need to eat, in order to live.

In this new video course, sugar-addiction expert Bitten Jonsson, RN, presents insights and advice on how to stop food and sugar cravings. She’s been helping people with addictions for decades, as well as battling with her own, to get them under control.

Do you experience a loss of control when you eat, especially sugary foods? Processed foods perhaps? Then take a look at this video and start taking the control back.

Sign up for a FREE membership trial and you can see it instantly – as well as many other video courses, movies, interviews, presentations, Q&A with experts, etc. Continue Reading →

"The More I Learn About Breast Milk, the More Amazed I Am"

Breast milk is truly an amazing thing, and far beyond anything that we can make to replace it. It even adapts to the specific needs of the baby.

I recommend this long fascinating article if you’re at all interestedContinue Reading →

US Obesity Keeps Rising - Not Stopped by Ridiculous Calorie-Counting Efforts

US Obesity Keeps Rising – Not Stopped by Ridiculous Calorie Counting Efforts: Continue Reading →

Cauliflower Rice - An Essential LCHF Side Dish

Do you miss rice on a low-carb diet? Then you perhaps haven’t yet tried the number one alternative: Continue Reading →


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