How to handle gardening in small spaces

Robin Sloan
For The Leaf-Chronicle

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – For many local residents who make their homes in apartments or dwellings with small yards, gardening is a challenge that seems nearly insurmountable. With a bit of creativity and resourceful repurposing, however, anyone can have a fruitful, thriving garden.

“My favorite part of spring and summer is fresh veggies and flowers,” says Clarksville resident Anna Lowe. “But when you don’t have a lot of space you have to get creative with your gardening!”

So what’s a person with only a deck, a windowsill or small patch to do?

“We find that a lot of people think they can’t have a garden unless they live on a sprawling piece of land,” says gardening consultant Susan Stephens of Joelton. “The truth is, though, that gardening is about caring for plants in a loving way – and you can do that anywhere.”

For those living in smaller spaces, Stephens suggests a few tips to help get a healthy garden started. “The first thing anyone needs to do when starting a small-space garden is to decide where you have the space to put it. For homeowners this might mean a corner of a smaller yard or on the deck or patio. For those living in an apartment this is probably going to mean setting up something on the patio or, if there’s not one available, somewhere near your biggest window.”

Stephens stresses the importance of finding a location with proper drainage potential and plenty of access to sunlight. “My point being,” she laughs, “that the middle of your living room isn’t probably the best place for your new garden.”

Next, says Stephens, gardeners should choose a container for their plants that offers proper room to grow and will provide access to plenty of sunshine.

“The thing about planting containers is that, really, you can make almost anything work. There needs to be some type of drainage system so that your plants aren’t sitting in standing water, but other than that choosing a container is a really fun way to express yourself.”

Stephens notes that many gardeners, including some of Clarksville’s own Master Gardeners, choose antique bathtubs to offer a whimsical touch to their garden. “Most people stick with basic plastic or clay planters that you can purchase at any home improvement store. Even something like an old bucket can work.”

The next step is to choose what you’ll be growing. This is particularly important when you’re planting a garden on a deck or windowsill, because due to the way that the soil heats, which is faster in a planter than in the soil, you’re able to plant vegetables that will ripen sooner. Tomatoes and peppers are two examples. Along the same lines, however, many flowering plants receive too much sun in planters and have to be watered more frequently.

“If you’re really limited on space look for plants like carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes. They don’t flower in a large way and they flourish in small-space gardens,” says Stephens.

“Once you’ve made it this far,” says Stephens, “the gardening process almost perfectly mirrors any regular gardening experience. Make sure your plants are receiving enough water, that they are properly fertilized with a recommended fertilizer, and that you’re protecting them from the elements, which you likely are if they’re so close to your home.”

Lowe reports that her patio garden will be returning this year.

“There’s something so fun and fresh about craving a tomato and walking onto your own patio to get one,” she says. “Once I realized I could do it last year, I knew that this would be an annual spring tradition. I recommend it to anyone!”

Robin Sloan

Freelanace writer