These Elephants Had The Most Radical Snacktime Party

    Taronga Zoo's herd of Asian elephants could hardly wait to dive into the treat.

    This pumpkin is from the Sydney Royal Easter Show, and it weighed about 1,605 lbs. That's the largest the Show has ever seen, according to a press release from the zoo.

    At first, the elephants were a little unsure of how to approach this giant treat...


    "This pumpkin is such a jokester!"

    "I guess we just dive right in?"

    "Thankfully it's big enough so we can all share it."

    "Getting messy is half the fun of snacking!"

    "Hey! I was gonna eat that piece!"

    "This pumpkin is like a toy and a treat all in one!"

    "It even makes a great stepping stool!"

    "Nature's confetti!"

    "Wipe your face, you slob."

    "I feel like a pump-KING!"

    "Do as I say, not as I do. Cuz otherwise there'd be no pumpkin left by now!"

    "Save some room for dessert later, little guy!"

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