Hook Up

Harvey Jones

As the lift ascended, the two occupants looked at their reflections in the mirror. The older woman, Macy, was at least 55. She was a very full-busted size 22 with immaculate hair, nails, make-up, and the confidence to make anyone tremble with a smile from the scarlet lips full of promises. As for her outfit — that was another story.
The younger woman was her junior by 20 years and had lost ong blond hair, grey eyes with strikingly bold make-up, and a sleek well-toned body. She was wearing an outfit which totally blew her mind. The chain attached to the black studded collar twitched to make her stand tall.
Macy leaned over and whispered quietly. ‘Head up Chantelle, be proud; you were made for this!’ With that, the lift door opened…

Hook Up Description:

Hook up is a ground-breaking novel which challenges stereotypical ideas about love and relationships, gender identity and sexuality. This is a novel which celebrates life in all its diversity, promoting the idea that everyone should be allowed to be free to express their own desires — as long as they are not hurting others. Follow Macy as she unlocks a whole new world of daring sexual exploits, adventures and acceptance. She meets Tobias, a young architect who, like her, is on a journey of self-discovery.

Together with friends, they discover a new way of life where everyone is accepted and are free to be who they are instead of conforming to societal norms. Harvey Jones writes in a way that is fun, flirty and casual, enticing the reader into the storyline and leaving them yearning for more. The erotic scenes are well written and vivid, with just the right amount of naughty exploits to keep the reader satisfied.

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