9 Writers Share How to Squash Procrastination and Get Busy Writing
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9 Writers Share How to Squash Procrastination and Get Busy Writing

Q: I need a kick in the rear when it comes to writing. How can I get focused and stay disciplined to get reach my writing goals?

A: I wish a magic remedy to make procrastination fade into oblivion existed, but there isn't. What I do know is that every writer needs to find what works for them. For me personally, it's having a schedule (I love Google Calendar.) and a routine (I work full-time hours.), then sticking to them.

A cup of hot tea, invigorating music and interesting assignments help too.

Ready for that kick in the pants? Last week on Web Writing Advice nine writers shared what they do to get motivated and keep the writing buzz humming all day long. Take a peek at Writers Share How They Stay Focused and Disciplined.

You might just pick up a new tip or two to try at your desk!

Angela Tague writes marketing content for name brands including Purina, United Way and Walgreens. She also uses her journalism background to craft feature articles and photographs for newspapers and magazines. Connect with her on Twitter @AngelaTague and Facebook at Angela Tague Journalist/Writer.

Image Credit: Flickr

Renee Evenson

Author of 9 books on Business Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Customer Service


Treat writing like a job. Find what time works best for you and and aim for writing 1 - 2 hour per day.

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